Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mercredi 30/09

Today we reviewed some irregular verbs in present tense, practiced presenting our projects and reviewed the usage of imparfait/passé composé. 

ObjectifStudents will review and practice irregular present tense verb conjugations.

A Faire: Leçon 6/8B handout #3 (front), #1 (back, some passé composé too)

TEC :  Leçon 23 paquet back page #2 « Hier »

Handouts : Leçon 6/8B handout

Devoirs :  Leçon 23 paquet page « C » (activités 1-3, for #3 : come up with logical completions of the sentences and use either imparfait or passé composé as appropriate.)  PRACTICE L’ECUSSON PROJECT!!! (Presentations start Tuesday!)