Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pour Lundi....

Apporte (Bring):
-Completed Passé Composé Review Packet
-Completed Quiz 17
-Project (to practice) 

Bon Weekend!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Lundi 28/01\Mardi 29/01

Today we did a listening practice, did some review of body parts and sports/activities vocabulary as well as passé composé and imparfait.

A Faire:  Quiz 17

Travail en Classe (TEC):  PC Review Packet

Devoirs:  Study for final!  Practice project!  You may bring IPods for after the final:)




Friday, January 25, 2013

Jeudi 24/01\Vendredi 25/01

Today in class we practiced some direct object pronouns, did some review for the final, and we went over the qui/que practice handout.

A Faire:  Dice game

Handouts (click on link):  Dice Game, Maison d’Etre

Devoirs:  Maison d’Etre (vary subjects in examples sentences so you can practice agreements!), study for final, practice project (oral presentations will be the first week of 2nd semester!)  

Bring any grammar questions or clarifications you need before the final to class on Mon/Tue for review!

Don't forget PC challenge must be done by Thursday next week!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mardi 22/01\Mercredi 23/01

Today we reviewed object pronouns and their placement as well as added the use of them in the imperative (both affirmative and negative).  I gave out a review packet that must be completed by Tuesday, Jan. 29th if you would like to use a 3x5 notecard on the final.  If you do not have your review packet from last year, you must also redo that portion to use the notecard.

A Faire:  pg 217 #4, write your responses then ask/answer orally with a partner

Travail en Classe (TEC):  pg 218 #6, write responses only

Devoirs:  qui/que exercise on back of “l’aide sociale” (Qui/Que practice handout), pg 218 #5—prepare responses only!


Friday, January 18, 2013

Jeudi 17/01\Vendredi 18/01

Today in class we learned about direct objects and direct object pronouns.  We looked at examples of project visuals and we did a little practice with qui/que.  We also took a 2nd passé compose challenge quiz.

A Faire:  pg 312 #1, write a riddle using 2 “qui”s and 2 “que”s (can work in partners but each must write it!)

Handouts (click on link):  Qui/Que Practice, Direct Objects

Devoirs:  visual for project, practice project, handout “l’aide sociale” (use qui/que to connect sentences, pg 216 #3 (re-write sentence with direct object pronoun to replace underlined person/thing)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mardi 15/01\Mercredi 16/01

Today we worked more on relative pronouns (qui/que), did a partner speaking activity, a listening activity and did the first passé composé challenge quiz.

A Faire:  pg 310 #5, write your responses then ask/answer orally with a partner

Travail en Classe (TEC):  pg 312 #9

Devoirs:  For jeudi/vendredi:  2 copies of final version, 1.5 spaced, including bibliography.
                 For mardi/mercredi prochain:  visual and have copy of writing to practice in class.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Lundi 14/01

Today in class we discussed the upcoming project deadlines/criteria, some common errors made in drafts, and had our last in-class work day for the project.

Devoirs:  For jeudi/vendredi:  2 copies of final version, 1.5 spaced, including bibliography.
                 For mardi/mercredi prochain:  visual and have copy of writing to practice with in class.

*I will not assign any other outside of class work this week…it is your responsibility to finalize your essay!  I am available at tutorial and by appointment for help if you need it!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Jeudi 10/01\Vendredi 11/01

Today in class we talked about how to use the relative pronouns “qui” and “que”.  We did a listening activity and a 2nd peer edit (on 2 page draft) for the famous person project.

A Faire:  livre pg 310 #4 (practice with “qui” only)

Handouts (click on link):  Peer Edit Checklist

Devoirs:  packet pg 5 #2 (re-write paragraph with correct information), pg 311 #7 (use que to connect 1st sentence with 2nd sentence you write about yourself using verb in parentheses)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mardi 08/01\Mercredi 09/01

Today we did some past tense written and oral practice, peer edited the 1 page draft of project, and did a listening exercise.

A Faire:  Quoi de Neuf packet pg 5 #3—write out questions and answers.  Do orally with a partner.

Handouts (click on link):  Peer Editing Checklist

Devoirs: Complete 2 page rough draft:  bring 2 copies and double space!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Lundi 07/01

Today in class we talked about the weekend, practiced PC/IMP,  and did a listening activity.

A Faire :  Packet (quoi de neuf) pg 4 #1—link what happened with what the weather was like using “parce que”.

Handouts (click on link): Listening handout, Qui/que example

Devoirs:  1 page draft (double spaced) for peer edit, make at least 2 observations about the usage of qui/que in the context of the example paragraph.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Jeudi 03/01\Vendredi 04/01

Today in class we went to the library to do research/write for the famous person project.  Remember:  write in “je” form, answer questions in detail on pg1 of project description, 1.5 spaced, cite your sources in MLA format (see previous post), and do not use online translators or try to translate from English word for word!!  Consider using “transition word” handout (on back of” renewing acquaintances” handout) to start sentences/paragraphs. 

Example of paragraph organization:
P1:  Intro/overview: basic highlights of your person.  Think of it as a teaser for what’s to come!
P2:  Family/young life
P3:  Education/coming of age (into adulthood)
P4:  Development of contributions/things accomplished
P5:  Why he/she is important historically and today.  Tie up your essay.

Devoirs:  At least ½ page of writing for lundi, 1 page for mardi/mercredi (Rough Draft form for peer edit!!!), 2 pages for jeudi/vendredi

Thursday, January 3, 2013

MLA Citations

MLA: Website

Include the name of the website, the name of the editor (if given), the date of electronic publication (if given), the sponsoring institution (if given), the date of access, and the URL. 

  • To cite a general website:
    • Name of website. Editor(s) of website. Date of electronic publication. Associated institution. Date of access <URL>.
  • To cite a specific article from a website:
    • Author(s) of internet article. "Name of internet article." Name of website. Editor(s) of website. Date of electronic publication. Associated institution. Date of access <URL>.
  • A general website example:
    • BBC on the Internet. 2005. British Broadcasting Company. 12 Apr. 2005 <>.
  • An example of a website with an article:
    • Smith, Fred. "New Football Recruits." Northwestern Football. Ed. Alex Shokey. 2004. Northwestern University. 6 Jun. 2004 <>.

To reference other citation types, see the following link and choose the source type from the list on the left side of the page:  

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mercredi 02/01

Today we spoke lots of French!  We discussed what we did during vacation and what the weather was like.

A Faire :  Translate…
1.  Did you travel during the vacation?                                     
2.  No, I stayed home. 
3.  What did you do?                                                                 
4.  Yes, I went to…/I traveled to…
5.  What did you do at home?
Sondage…ask at least 10 classmates whether or not they traveled and find out what they did.

Handouts (click on link):  Example writing piece

Devoirs: Study PC/IMP, research famous person, read example piece