Friday, January 29, 2016

Vendredi 29/01

We played our games of “Jacques a dit”, played “Loto” to review body parts before the quiz.  We took the quiz then learned how to use reflexives in the passé composé.

ObjectifStudents will be able to give commands and recognize body parts

TEC:  Reflexive worksheet #3

Devoirs :  Reflexive worksheet #4 (from 2 weeks ago!) 1st number activities in order logically, then put them into sentence form in the passé composé.  Pay attention to which “hv” you need for the verb given and agreements.  Not all are reflexive!!)  Write a paragraph about your daily routine—day and/or night (Ma routine quotidienne)—see handouts for specific criteria—for turn in!! Bring movie handout!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mercredi 27/01

We shared about our weekends, reviewed and practiced the imperative, and listened to a new song.

ObjectifStudents will be able to give commands using reflexives and non-reflexive verbs.

A Faire:  See handouts !

Devoirs :  Read both scenes pg 289 for understanding.  Then find and record examples of reflexives being used in imperative, infinitive and passé composé forms in the scenes.  Answer the question: What do you notice about passé compose with reflexives?  Fill in Loto board with body parts from back of “Comment te sens-tu?” handout.  Study reflexive verb/toiletry/body vocab and reflexive structures (present/imperative/infinitive) Quiz VERY soon!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Jeudi 20/01

We went over how to use reflexive verbs in infinitive constructions, listened to some culture presentations by classmates, reviewed how to make crêpes and then enjoyed our crêpe party

Objectif: Students will be able to make and eat crêpes.

Devoirs :  pg 287 #9, study verb/toiletry/body vocab and reflexive structures (present, infinitive, imperative) for quiz next week !

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Mardi 19/01

Today we learned some new (and reviewed some old) vocabulary so we could play “Jacques a dit” (Simon says).  We did some reading comprehension practice in partners and had a chance to create our own “Jacques a dit” game.  We also finished the film.

Objectif: Students will be able to give commands using reflexives and non-reflexive verbs.

TEC:  1) lisez pgs 254-255 à haute voix/tour de rôle en partenaires, répondez aux questions à phrases complètes et avec les détails ! 2) Ecrivez un jeu de « Jacques a dit » avec 20 ordres.

Devoirs :  Finish « Jacques a dit » game and reading questions.  Take notes pg 287 (lettre C), do #8 pg 287 (say where you’re going to stop by using aller + s’arrêter)

Fête de crêpe : Jeudi !!!

Retakes during Flex Wed or Thur (must arrive by 2pm!)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Jeudi 13/01

We reviewed the “impératif” with reflexives, learned some new verbs and watched more of our film.

Objectif: Students will be able to give commands using reflexive verbs.

A Faire:  Define verbs on back side of graphic organizer.  Write 6 commands total using them, (2-tu form, 2-vous form, 2-nous form and make at least 3 of them negative!)

TECFilm activities…

Devoirs :  Front of Reflexive practice handout.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Mardi 12/01

We reviewed some sport vocabulary, went over the final exam, learned how to use the imperative with reflexive verbs and did some reading practice.

Objectif: Students will learn to give commands using reflexive verbs.

A Faire:  pg 285 #3 (tu form !)

TEC:  1) draw a person/body and label 20 body parts  2) lisez pgs 254-255 à haute voix/tour de rôle en partenaires, répondez aux questions.

Devoirs :  pg 285 #4 (tu form!)

Friday, January 8, 2016

Mercredi 08/01

We did some oral practice with “faire de + sport”  (pg 257 #2) and reviewed “l’impératif” and did some practice with it.  We looked at and talked about the exams we took before break and how to do a retake.  Finally, we did some reading practice and vocabulary review while I completed interviews.

Objectif: Students will review and be able to give commands in French

A Faire:  pg 25 #14 1 & 2 only !! Pay attention to who you’re talking to and write a command for each bullet point !!

TEC:  1)  lisez pgs 270-271 à haute voix/tour de rôle en partenaires/partagez vos réponses  2) draw a person/body and label 20 body parts

Devoirs :  Finish pg 25 #14 (3-4),  pg 25 #15 (Let’s….)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Mercredi 06/01

Today, we reviewed body parts, practiced talking about sports and health, and practiced projects for interviews starting Friday.  We also learned some new vocabulary for toiletry articles (see bottom of graphic organizer for “Les verbes réfléchis”)

Objectif: Students will review health and body vocabulary

A Faire:  Partie 1-Repondez a phrases completes :  a) Qu’est-ce que tu fais pour rester en bonne santé? (donnez 3 choses !) b) Quels sports pratiques-tu ? (utilisez « faire » dans votre réponse!) c) Est-ce que tu aimes courir?  Partie 2-Write questions that you can ask your partner for each of the sentence completions on pg 257 #1 (The sentence completion is the answer to the question you’re writing!). You may use Est-ce que or inversion.  Partie 3: ask questions/answer with sentence completions from pg 257 #1 in partners.

TECMake flashcards for minimum 15 new toiletry items  (use image and French word, NO ENGLISH!)

Devoirs :  read pg 270-271 and write a sentence explaining which sport is which (c’est…), finish flash cards, practice for interviews