Monday, September 29, 2014

Lundi 29/09

Today we shared about our weekend and the homework (#6B) in partners, did a listening activity, and began interviews of our partners for the project.

Handouts :  Adjective packet

Devoirs :  Adjective packet #4 & #5 (make sure you understand this!! See pages 40-50 in book), be prepared to continue your interview (organize your questions around the 5 sections!!)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Vendredi 26/09

Today we  did a listening activity and some practice with the “Vandertramps”,  took the etre/avoir quiz, and reviewed formulating questions (for the interview project)

A FaireWrite out all “Vandertramps” from memory, paquet #2 (write PC sentences using pictures to describe what the man did at various times—use your best judgement on the interpretation of the images!)

Devoirs :  Paquet #6B—6 phrases minimum!, Paquet #2 (front page, Langue et Communication—use the present tense of « partir » to write out the times people are leaving.)  Organize/prepare your questions by category and be ready to start interviewing in class Monday!
Beginning of year survey: Cliquez ici/Click here!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mercredi 24/09

Today in class we reviewed the big 4 irregular verbs (être, avoir, faire, aller), went over some homework, and started preparing for our project “l’Ecusson”

A Faire:  Write your answers to the following questions using the verb in parentheses !
-En général, es-tu a l’heure/en avance/en retard ?  (être)
-Quels activités fais-tu ? (faire)
-As-tu faim ?  soif ?  (avoir)
-Quelles sont deux de tes résolutions de la nouvelle année scolaire? (aller) (New school year resolutions)   Ex : (these are mine)  Je vais corriger les papiers plus vite que l’année dernière, Je vais faire plus d’activités d’écoute en classe.

Handouts :  l’Ecusson

Devoirs :  study for être/avoir quiz (know which verbs go with avoir/être au passé composé), have a minimum of 20 questions for the interview and organize them by topic/project category, packet exercise #4 (for each scenario, number the order in which things happened—soyez logique! and write the sentences on the line next to it—passé composé)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Lundi 22/09

Today in class we practiced “il y a”, discussed our weekends and the results of the survey.  We also reviewed the “big 4” (être, avoir, faire, aller…and venir!)

A FaireFaire, venir, avoir ou être (choose which fits the meaning of the sentence and conjugate accordingly!)

Devoirs :  être/avoir quiz Friday (know which verbs go with e\être and which with avoir in passé composé!), pg 67 #3 (complete sentences!), Leçon 8 packet #6A (“A” ONLY—choose 2 of the pictures and answer the 6 bulleted questions about each.  You may need to infer some info based on the pics!)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Vendredi 19/09

Today we reviewed “il y a” and le passé composé (we went over sondage).  Did a survey in class and we took a vocab quiz.  We also discussed our upcoming project; you will interview a partner about these areas:  personal/school life, dreams/future plans, favorite past vacations, family/friends, and likes/dislikes. I will fill you in more next week!

A FaireRevise “Sondage” questions and answers

Devoirs :  Write 15 questions you could use to interview a partner for the upcoming project, write 10 sentences (5 aff/5 neg) about the survey you took in class (say who did/didn’t do the activities and use a variety of them!), Leçon 8 packet #1 (present tense practice of sortir/partir/dormer) and #3 (ATTENTION: letter is written by Hélène, so all “vandertramps” in the “je” form must agree with her!)  Practice!!! (duh!)

Have you done the beginning of the year survey yet?? You are getting points for it!  Cliquez ici!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mercredi 17/09

Today we went over the homework through a group activity, learned a new way to use the expression “il y a” and listened to our song.

A FaireLeçon 8 packet #5 (p. 72)

Handouts :  Sondage, Leçon 8 packet

Devoirs :  Prepare the questions for the activities given in the sondage and your answers (on the back) to those questions saying whether you’ve done it (at any point in the past.) livre p. 131 #10, study regular ER/IR/RE verb lists (for meaning)—VOCAB QUIZ VENDREDI!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lundi 15/09

Today in class we discussed the questions personnelles from the homework (p. 126 #1) and went over p. 106 #3.  We took a pop quiz and listened to our song, Michèle.

Devoirs :  Study ER/IR/RE  and big 4 (etre/avoir/faire/aller) conjugations, study ER/IR/RE verb vocabulary (vocab quiz FRIDAY!), p. 129 #4 (soyez logique!)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Vendredi 12/09

Today in class we reviewed aller + infinitive and vandertramp verbs for passé composé, did a speaking activity with our new French names and the passé composé, learned the verbs partir/sortir/dormir (past/present) and listened to our chanson, Michèle.

A Fairep. 127 #2

Handouts :  Reg. verb vocab list

Devoirs :  pg 106 #3 (write out for each person and each time of day), pg 126 #1 (Present/future/past of the verbs so pay close attention!  Answer all questions asked in complete sentences!), study ER/IR/RE verb meanings (vocab quiz coming very soon!), Beginning of year survey (see previous post for link!), PRACTICE!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mercredi 10/09

Today in class we reviewed the passé composé, discussed the homework (pg 35 #4) in small groups and shared responses, and chose French names/new identities and started making name tags.  We also reviewed binder/cahier organization.

Critère de porte-nom (nametag) : écrivez le nom (lisiblement), décorez avec votre couleur préférée, images de 2 activités préférées, et 1 image différente qui te représente (represents you !)

Devoirs :  get supplies/set up binder, finish porte-nom, Beginning of year survey (Cliquez ici!), lpg 107 #7 (Soyez logique—say whether the people did/didn’t do the things listed), PRACTICE OUTLOUD!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Lundi 08/09

Bienvenue au blog de français 5-6 de l’année 2014-2015!
Today in class we reviewed identity questions, checked out books from the library, and listened to our new song “Michele”

Handouts :  Michèle

Devoirs :  practice all vocab/question lists we’ve been reviewing out loud, study/review p. 32-34, do pg 35 #4 (à phrases complètes!)