Friday, February 27, 2015

Vendredi 27/02

Today we discussed dire/lire/écrire/décrire and indirect object pronouns and how to use me/te/nous/vous.

Handouts:  Common direct object verbs, Common indirect object verbs

A Fairepg 224 #1  (have to use “que”/”that” in French, even if we don’t in English!)

TECpg 205 #1, do orally in partners

Devoirs :  pg 205 #3 (people in parentheses are doing things for the people underlined), pg 227 #5 (complete sentences and answer all questions asked!), practice project and prepare your exhibit! (Presentations are Wed/Fri and you MUST be in attendance!)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Mercredi 25/02

Today we did some direct object practice, practiced projects in larger groups (3-4 people) and started learning about indirect objects.

A Fairepg 220 #2 (A Votre Tour)

Handouts :  Indirect Objects

Devoirs :  Practice project, Study verbs pg 224/vocab pg 225, Do pg 225 #2, pg 227 #4 (what you’re going to loan to him/her/them)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lundi 23/02

Today we practiced some of the verbs pg 220, shared our summaries of the reading and comparisons of Carnaval/Carême in small groups, and then had some practice time for projects.

Devoirs :  Practice project!! Write a paragraph of 10 sentences about your best/a good friend.  Use direct object pronouns as much as possible (you may replace the friend or the other things you talk about with your friend).  This assignment is inspired from pg 220 #1 (à votre tour) if you need some ideas/a jumping off place…

Friday, February 20, 2015

Vendredi 20/02

Today in class we learned how to use direct objects in the passé composé, practiced projects in partners, and did some work around choosing between using “savoir” or “connaître” in context.

A Fairepg 219 #9 (questions and answers with agreements ! Do orally in partners)

TECpg 231 #14

Devoirs :  Study verbs pg 220, pg 220 #11 (Jean never forgets anything…write an affirmative/negative passé composé sentence, using a direct object pronoun, that says whether or not he does the thing in parentheses) pg 231 #13 (connect the 2 parts of the sentence with a conjugation of either savoir ou connaître), PRACTICE PROJECT!!!!! (presentations start next Friday!)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Mercredi 18/02

Today we learned the verb “savoir”, practiced projects, and learned about using direct objects in infinitive construction.

A Fairepg 231 #12 (write what you don’t know how to do for each one, do orally in partners)

Devoirs :  pg 230 #11, pg 218 #8 (infinitive construction), Practice project!! Bring written copy and visual for project EVERY day !!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Vendredi 13/02

Today in class we learned to use direct objects in the imperative then we celebrated Mardi Gras with a fête de crêpe!

A Faire:  pg 218 #6

Devoirs :  pg 218 #7, Finish the reading about Mardi gras/Carnaval.  Write an English summary for each section then, in French, write about the difference between Carême et Carnaval.  Use quotes from the text to back up your ideas!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mercredi 04/02

Today we learned about direct object pronouns (COD) and Mardi Gras/Carnaval.  We also turned in essays!

A Fairepg 216 #3

TECrewrite backside of direct object handout using direct objects

Devoirs :  pg 218 #5, pg 8 #9 (Quoi de Neuf packet), Project visual, BRING PARTY SUPPLIES!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Lundi 09/02

Today we learned the verb connaître, reconnaître and the expression “faire la connaissance de” and discussed some questions students had about the project writing.

A Fairepg 215 #2

Devoirs :  pg 215 #1, Final draft of writing including bibliography (bring 2 copies typed!), visual for Friday!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Vendredi 06/02

Today in class we practiced circumstances when one would use passé composé and imparfait in the same sentence.  Then we discussed projects and did the final peer edit.

A FaireQuoi de Neuf packet pg 8 #8 (put sentences together using pc, qui and imparfait.)

Devoirs :  Final draft of written project due Wed.  Visual is due Friday.  You will have other homework on Monday/Wednesday, so make these a priority this weekend!  2 Peer-edits and rough drafts must be turned in with the final.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Mercredi 04/02

Today we had a substitute.  We did some review of the relative pronouns “qui et que” and had some project work time.

A Faire:  pg 312 #9, you must rewrite the whole sentence using qui/que as appropriate.

TECpg 312 #1 (A Votre Tour), must be at least 6 sentences and get increasingly more obvious through the paragraph.  We will share them next class.

Devoirs :  HAVE A 2 PAGE ROUGH DRAFT, DOUBLE SPACED, READY FOR PEER EDITING!!  You draft must be complete, double spaced and printed BEFORE you arrive in class!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Lundi 02/02

Today we learned about the relative pronoun « qui », went over some common struggles for students when writing in French, and did a peer-edit of 1 page of the draft of the famous person essay.    

A Faire:  pg 310 #4
Handouts :  “fixes” du projet Personnage Celebre*, Peer-editing checklist
*Attention: some of the fixes are not fixed yet on the handout!! We "fixed" them in class!

Devoirs :  Revise pg 1 of draft, continue writing so that you have completed a 2pg draft for peer-editing on Friday.  Pg 310 #5 (write questions and answers using “qui”—we will use this Wed. in class!)

***Bring your project stuff with you on Wednesday!  You will get some work time in class!!  Spread the word!***