Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mercredi 29/10

Today we practiced projects and questions for oral interviews.  We also finished our reading of “La Maison Hantée”.

Travail en Classe:  Read part C & D of la Maison Hantée out loud, keep track of plot notes and vocab you look up, do Avez-vous compris questions. 

Devoirs :  Finish “La Maison Hantée” and accompanying activities, l’art de la lecture & activities pg 341, study/take notes pg 346-347, do #1 (make sentences using aller + mettre) and #2 (instead of using vous for each, change it to a different subject pronoun each time and use the present tense of mettre to write the sentence.  Make sure you turn in your pg 332 #7 ASAP!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Lundi 27/10

Today we practiced talking about our weekends using passé composé and imparfait, practiced projects and discussed how to prepare for oral interviews (starting next Monday!!)

Handouts:  Ecusson Questions

Devoirs :  Read part C of la Maison Hantée out loud, keep track of plot notes and vocab you look up, do Avez-vous compris questions.  Come up with 2 more sets of events/actions that we could plug into 332 #7 (write out dialogue for it—TO TURN IN!!), Practice projects (should be using only visual by now!)  

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Vendredi 24/10

Today we had a substitute.  We practiced projects, did some reading in groups in class, did some imparfait/passe compose practice and listened to our song.

A Faire :  pg 332 #7 (write only the sentences that change in each conversation, do orally in partners)

Travail en Classe:  Maison Hantée reading pg 336  (do only parts A & B and Avez-vous compris? questions in complete sentences)  Work in partners or group of 3 (NO MORE THAN 3!), read out loud, keep notes in English about plot and keep track of any words you look up!

Devoirs :  pg 333 #1 (read directions carefully!), come up with 2 more sets of events/actions that we could plug into 332 #7 (write out dialogue for it—TO TURN IN!!), Practice projects (should be using only visual by Monday!)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mercredi 22/10

Today we practiced projects, went over some homework and did a short reading in class.  We also started looking in depth at our song, Michele.  Sing off dans une semaine (mercredi prochain!)

Travail en Classe:  Read pages 324-325 outloud in partners. As you read and discuss meaning, note whether verbs are in passe compose or passe compose and why.  Discuss the vrai/faux questions

Devoirs pg 333 #8 (answer in complete sentences and with details when possible), lecture pg 334-335 for understanding (consider verb tenses), complete "cognate pattern" at the end of the reading.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lundi 20/10:

Today we shared about our weekend, did some oral practice with passé composé and imparfait, and went over the A Faire from Friday.

A Fairepg 331 #3 (write answer parts of dialogue and then do orally with a partner!)

Devoirs :  pg 331 #4, pg 332 #6, PRACTICE PROJECT!!!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Vendredi 17/10

Today in class we took time to practice projects orally (really focus on understanding what you’re saying and using the visual as a cue—not memorizing word for word!).  We reviewed the imparfait and then did some comparing of imparfait and passé compose.
                        Imparfait                                                         Passé Composé
-habitual actions conditions—used to do/be
-progressive actions (that were in progress)—was going on/were doing  
-conditions and circumstances that form background of another past action
-specific events—took place/happened
-specific actions at a specific time—took place/did
-well defined action that took place at a specific moment (mention of time may be omitted)

A Faire :  pg 328-329 #1—write out the correct answer to each question and then choose a reason from the box above to justify your answer.

Devoirs :  pg 330 #2 (say where the people didn’t go in passé compose and what they didn’t do—in parentheses—in imparfait!)  Read pg 324-325 again or for first time if you haven’t already (make sure you understand it because we will be doing some analysis of verbs when you come to class Monday) do V/F questions too!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mercredi 15/10

Today we had a work/game day.  (Post PSAT)

Devoirs :  visual completed, practice project (come with a copy of writing and your visual for practice in class), pg 323 #4 (write a praragraph of 10 sentences describing what was going on (imparfait) last night at 6pm)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Lundi 13/10

Today we shared about our weekend, listened and sang along to our song “Michèle”, discussed project visuals and expectations for the next week, did some in-class reading.

Devoirs :  visual for the project, start practicing project (make sure you have your own copy in class for practice!), review pg 316-317, do pg 322 #10 (write what was going on—imparfait!!)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Mercredi 08/10

Today in class we did our peer edit and had some work time.  We also discussed the visual element of the project and talked about some common errors students make in writing.

Devoirs :  Read pg 324-325 (note if verb is in PC/IMP and what it means, answer V/F questions.  Final draft of your essay about your partner (about 1 page typed, single-1.5 spaced is due Monday). Start working on your visual (due WED!)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Lundi 06/10

Today we shared about our weekend and then did a peer-edit of the rough drafts (2 parts/2 complete paragraphs).

Handouts :  Physical description/adjectives, Correction codes/transition words, Writing rubric, Peer-edit checklist

Devoirs :  2 complete paragraph drafts of the remaining 2 sections* (double spaced, include everything you have for those sections, 6 sentences minimum each and read through it/edit before coming to class!) *If you intend to write the 5th section, have it in class as well for editing!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Vendredi 03/10

Today in class we reviewed physical descriptions, had some interview time, did participation grades, talked about some writing strategies and listened to our chanson, Michèle.

Handouts :  Syllabus

Devoirs :  2 complete paragraph drafts of 2 sections (double spaced, include everything you have for those sections, 6 sentences minimum each and read through it/edit before coming Monday!), Be ready to share riddle, Read pg 132-133 (keep track of vocab you look up, answer questions (v/f), and try to figure out the transition words (for retelling a sequence of events) “first”, “then”, “after”, and “finally” from the reading)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Back to School Night

Merci d’être venu!  Thanks for coming !

Here are links to the resources I shared with you:

Syllabus                      Ways to do well in a Language Class

Linguafolio                 French Class Commitments for Success

Your support is so important!  Please encourage your resident Frenchie to practice as much as possible and ask him/her about what we’re doing in French class!

Want to support French at Grant??  See the tab “Support French at Grant” on my website (

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Mercredi 01/10

Today in class we reviewed some questions and adjectives.  Then we had about 35min of interview time.

A FaireAdjective packet #3 (front page—decide whether the adjective comes before or after the noun and make the appropriate agreement!)

Devoirs :  pg 130 #7 (passé compose!), write a riddle of 5-6 sentences about a well-known person using adjectives to describe him/her.  Start with less obvious sentences and move toward more obvious ones.  FYI:  1st rough draft of 2 sections of the project due Monday!!