Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Mercredi 25/11

We discussed our Thanksgiving plans, practiced projects, began learning about reflexive verbs and played Loto.

Objectif: Students will learn basic construction with reflexive verbs

A Faire : Qui/Que/Vivre packet #3, write a sentence using “qui”.

TEC:  pg 276 #2

Devoirs :  Qui/Que/Vivre packet #5 & #7, practice talking about your weekend trip to Paris (at length and with questions), look at T-day vocab on PowerPoint and be ready to share out about what you ate/did during the break.  Summative test before Winter Break (start studying?!)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Lundi 23/11

We practiced the verb “vivre”, learned to distinguish between “jouer à” and “jouer de” and did a reading comprehension activity.

Objectif: Students will be able to distinguish between “habiter” and “vivre”.

A Faire: pg 308 #1 (Write a complete sentence! Use choices given or make up your own!)

TEC : See handout

Devoirs :  Entire project is due in class on Wednesday!! Writing and visuals need to be ready to submit when you arrive and make sure you also have your own copy of the writing to practice with!! Qui/que/vivre packet #6 (Qui ou que?)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Jeudi 19/11

We reviewed passé compose, did a peer-edit of the project writing and did a reading comprehension activity.

Objectif: Students will use knowledge of grammar to give peer-feedback on project writing.

A Faire : Qui/Que/Vivre packet #2 (say where each person went and what they logically did there using choices in the box.)

Devoirs :  Finalize writing for project and work on visuals (BOTH ARE DUE ON WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK!), add “vivre” conjugations to verb chart  and take notes over meaning/usage pg 308, do #1 in Qui/Que/Vivre packet

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Mardi 17/11

We learned how to use the pronoun “que” in passé composé, reviewed project criteria and worked on the project, and discussed what happened in Paris and watched some related videos

ObjectifStudents will be able to use a metro map of Paris to locate tourist sites

Handouts :  *See Grant High School French on Facebook for the videos !

Devoirs :  pg 312 #8 (make agreements on the past participle in the second part of the sentence after the “que”), rough draft of project sentences for peer-edit (DOUBLE spaced, typed/neatly written, 4 sites x 9 sentences minimum)  Start thinking about visuals.  Study present tense verb conjugations (particularly the big 4!)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Vendredi 13/11

Today, we listened to our song, did a scavenger hunt with the Paris Metro, and did research/writing for our project about Paris.

Objectif: Students will be able to use a metro map of Paris to locate stops.

A Faire : Chasse au Trésor du Métro 

Devoirs :  Do more research and some writing for the project (Rough draft due next Thursday!), read pg 313 and write a sentence for each person saying who bought what.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Mardi 10/11

We got new seats, reviewed the relative pronouns “qui” & “que”, went over some homework questions, learned about the Paris Metro and our new project.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use transition vocabulary and relative pronouns to write more complex sentences.

A Faire : pg 312 #9 (rewrite the whole sentence using qui/que as appropriate)

Devoirs :  Pg 312 #10 (complete the sentences), Read through the project description and choose 4 sites touristiques from the lists given (2 sites from each list), Start researching !

Friday, November 6, 2015

Vendredi 06/11

We practiced using the relative pronoun “que” and learned how to use “qui” as well.  We did a listening activity and got a chance to share our “l’été dernier” writings in small groups.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use transition vocabulary and relative pronouns to write more complex sentences.

A Faire : pg 310 #5 (explain your preferences, start with “je préfère…” and use qui in your answer!) 

Devoirs :  pg 310 #4 (connect the 2 sentences using “qui”), Back of listening handout—2 activities:  Tu as la grippe—1-3 in present, 4-6 au passé!) review regular present tense conjugations of être/avoir/faire/aller (verb quiz next week!)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Mercredi 04/11

We practiced talking about countries we’d like to visit to practice prepositions, shared some “devinettes” (riddles), did a peer-edit of the “L’été dernier” writing and a listening activity, and learned the relative pronoun “que.”

Objectif:  Students will be able to use transition vocabulary and relative pronouns to write more complex sentences.

TEC :  Redaction en commun (Peer-edit)

Devoirs :  pg 311 #7 (write a sentence with the verb given in parentheses and connect it with the one given by using “que”. Connaître-know), Revise “l’été dernier” (final should be typed/very neatly written in pen, 1.5 spaced, 8 (minimum) transitions underlined, correct grammar/accents/spelling!  Be ready to turn in when you get to class.!!) Practice it to be ready for sharing in small groups!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Lundi 02/11

We learned about the meanings of the correction codes and how to use them for revision, which prepositions to use with which countries/states, and how to effectively use the tenses to distinguish between habitual actions in the past/present.  We also saw an example writing of Mme. Reid’s that demonstrate usage of the transition vocabulary on the back of the correction codes and illustrates the homework assignment.

Objectif:  Students will be able to distinguish between habitual actions in the past and present.

A Faire:  Partie 1:  pg 412 #1, write phrase, do orally.  Partie 2: respond to the following questions in complete sentences… Qu’est-ce que tu fais après l’école ?  Quand tu étais plus jeune, qu’est-ce que tu faisais après l’école.  Quels sont tes loisirs ? Quand tu étais plus jeune, quels étaient tes loisirs ? 

Devoirs :  l’été dernier..write 20 phrases au passé, using 8 mots de transition (back of correction codes) It’s a ROUGH DRAFT so it needs to be DOUBLE SPACED & NEATLY WRITTEN/TYPED.  Prepare to talk about 5 countries you’d like to visit (if not sure, make it up !)