Thursday, March 31, 2016

Jeudi 31/03

We did some review activities, went over some homework and then learned about Poisson d’Avril.

ObjectifStudents will review for test and learn about Poisson d’avril

A Faire:  Paquet (COI) #7 (savoir & connaître)

TEC: Make « poisson d’avril » !

Devoirs :  first page front and back of “paquet COD” (NOT the most recent packet but the previous one) for review of direct object pronouns.  Study for test on Wednesday!

All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)

All quizzes must be made up this week!!

Exam next Wednesday 4/6/16.  Topics to study/review:

reflexives (all tenses/vocab), article de toilette, parties du corps, other relevant vocab/expressions (avoir mal à, utiliser/mettre, plier, sauter/Jacques a dit vocab, etc), sports/faire de, COD, COI (related verbs), lire/dire/écrire/savoir/être, Mardi Gras, Poisson d'Avril, review short readings!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mardi 29/03

We talked about vacations, reviewed “savoir/connaître,” did a comprehension activity for the homework reading and then did a reading in small groups about differences in cultural customs.

ObjectifStudents will review the uses of savoir and connaître.

A Faire:  pg 231 #12 (prepare the explanations and then do the activity orally in partners)

TEC: Pg 234-235  Un Américain à Paris.  Read in small groups (à haute voix/tour de rôle).  For each scenario, choose what you think the cause of his problems is and write in cahier. Once you’ve discussed/shared your ideas for each scenario on the page…look together at the real reasons on the next page.  Write the cultural difference down in your notes! 

Devoirs :  pg 231 #13

All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)

All quizzes must be made up this week!!

Exam next Wednesday 4/6/16.  Topics to study/review:

reflexives (all tenses/vocab), article de toilette, parties du corps, other relevant vocab/expressions (avoir mal à, utiliser/mettre, plier, sauter/Jacques a dit vocab, etc), sports/faire de, COD, COI (related verbs), lire/dire/écrire/savoir/être, Mardi Gras, review short readings!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Vendredi 18/03

We had our fête de crêpe!

ObjectifStudents will celebrate with crepes.

Devoirsreading comp back of battleship (take detailed notes over vocab/content, comprehension activity after break!), pg 231 #14 (use knowledge of both verbs to complete!)  Study for summative exam after break!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Mercredi 16/03

We practiced object pronouns and learned the verb “savoir.”

ObjectifStudents will learn the verb “savoir”

A Faire:  pg 208 #9 

TEC: pg 230 #11

Devoirs: paquet (COI) #5, take notes pg 230 (green boxes and in between)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Lundi 14/03

We practices me/te/nous/vous in imperative construction, did some oral practice, watched presentations and then continued playing battleship to review our new and old irregular verbs.

ObjectifStudents will practice using me/te/nous/vous in the imperative.

A Faire:  pg 207 #7 (write le refus et l’explication) 

TEC: Presentation Feedback, Navire de Guerre

Devoirs :  pg 208 #8 (use prêter/donner, write suggestion and response, accept/refuse half !)  Test after Spring Break !  Start studying now!!  FETE DE CREPE VENDREDI!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Jeudi 10/03

We reviewed direct and indirect object pronouns, particularly me/te/nous/vous.  We continued presentations and then played battleship to review our new and old irregular verbs.

ObjectifStudents will practice using me/te/nous/vous as indirect object pronouns

A Faire:  pg 205 #3

TEC: Presentation Feedback, Navire de Guerre

Devoirs :  pg 227 #5 (6-9 only) répondez à toutes questions à phrases complètes, pg 205 #2 (choose 3 people, say 1 thing they do/1 don’t do, write whether the “me” is COD/COI next to each sentence)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Mardi 08/03

We continued practicing using indirect objects and focused specifically on distinguishing between verbs that take direct/indirect objects.  We also started “Publicité” presentations.

Objectif:  Students will practice using indirect object pronouns

A Faire:  paquet (COI) #2: add the person in parentheses to the sentence using an “à” when necessary.  Then rewrite each sentence using a COD or COI as appropriate.

TEC: Presentation Feedback

Devoirs :  pg 227 #5 (1-5 only) répondez à toutes questions à phrases complètes

Friday, March 4, 2016

Vendredi 04/03

We distinguished between and practiced “dire” and “raconter,” and practiced using the new vocab/verbs from pages 224-225 (we played 2 truths and a lie).  We also began learning to use indirect object pronouns.  At the end, prizes were awarded for the winning advertisements in each of the 5 categories.

ObjectifStudents will learn to use indirect object pronouns

A Faire:  pg 225 #3 (write complete sentence answers and answer all questions!)

TEC: pg 227 #4

Handouts :  Paquet (COI)

Devoirs :  Paquet (COI) #3  (use "acheter" and "donner" in the passé composé) & #4 (present tense, each verb used once), presentations start Tuesday!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Mercredi 02/03

We learned the present tense conjugations of dire/lire/écrire and practiced using “que” (that) after the verb dire.  We also played a review game in teams with the white boards.

ObjectifStudents will learn the present tense conjugations of dire/lire/écrire.

A Faire:  pg 224 #1

Devoirs :  take notes/study yellow box vocab pg 225, do pg 225 #2 (2 complete sentences for each one!)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Lundi 29/02

We looked at a few more advertisements up close and voted on the best ones (various categories).  We had some time to practice direct object pronouns and went over some homework.  We also had some project work time.

ObjectifStudents will review use of direct object pronouns in past tense.

A Faire:  Paquet (COD) #6 (do orally in partners)

Devoirs :  paquet #7, review reflexives (all tenses/vocab) for review game next class!!