Today we reviewed how to form questions in
French, finished dialogue presentations, chose new French identities (names)
and made nametags.
Objectif: Students will review how to form questions and write
A Faire: Handout…Part A : write
an « est-ce que » and an « inversion » question for each in
the « vous » form. Part
B: write inversion questions asking
about Chantal. Be sure to insert a “t”
between the subject and the verb to resolve the vowel clash.
TEC : Brainstorming in partners. Brainstorm as many questions as possible that
you could ask if you were trying to get to know someone new.
Handouts : Question practice handout, Visual dictionary
Devoirs : Imagine you are a journalist and you’re going to
interview someone. Write a list of 15 questions you can use to ask about the
subjects of: family/friends,
personal/school life, and likes/dislikes.
Vary the formations of your questions and consider the types of
responses you will get from your questions (oui/non vs. info). Choose 10 (difficult/new) verbs from the verb
list that you defined and do visual dictionary entries (MUST include: the verb, an image, and the verb used
correctly in a sentence.) Practice!!