Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Mercredi 28/10

We talked about Halloween plans, read aloud and discussed pg 416-17 in groups, did some “self” editing of the “devinette” and played a Halloween card game.

ObjectifStudents will be able to comprehend short texts in French.

A Faire: Leçon 6/8B handout #3 (front), #1 (back, some passé composé too)

TEC :  1) In partners, read pg 416-17 out loud, taking turns.  Discuss your answers.  2) Self-correction/editing of “devinette”.  A) Identify verbs—should they be in past/present/infinitive?,  check forms: conjugation, HV/PP/agreements, imparfait. Be conscientious of what you’re trying to say and let that inform your choices! B) check other grammatical elements:  spelling/accents, adjective agreements, word order, possessive adjectives (mon/ma/mes/etc.)  Make sure things make sense!!

Handouts : Quarter 1 check-in

Devoirs :  Quarter 1 check-in form, study/take notes pg 412, do #1, revise devinette (Type, print before class and be ready to share on document camera/projector.  Keep rough draft to turn in with it!)  Make sure you have the paragraph about your weekend that you wrote for Monday, we will be sharing these in class.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lundi 26/10

Today we practiced talking about preparations we made for Halloween over the weekend, listened to our new song, brainstormed reading strategies and corrected quizzes.

ObjectifStudents will correct quizzes in order to learn from errors made.

TEC Quiz corrections

Devoirs :  read pg 416-17 (take notes over content, keep track of strategies for reading used, figure out where each person went), write a rough draft of a “devinette” (riddle) for somewhere you’ve visited in the past (past/present tense, 5-10 phrases, double spaced!!)  Bring any questions you have from the Paquet leçon 6-8 for discussion.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Lundi 19/10

We did some speaking practice and some reading in small groups.  Madame Reid finished oral interviews.

ObjectifStudents will practice reading for fluency and understanding.

TEC :  Reading pg 324, note culturelle pg 325: in groups of 2-3, read out loud, take turns, discuss each paragraph, take notes, brainstorm/discuss reading strategies you used when you didn’t understand immediately (everyone keep a list!) DO: write English summary, & answer questions pg 325 (if false, write true statement!)

Devoirs :  Finish lecon 6-8 paquet, write a paragraph of at least 10 sentences talking about what you did on your 5 day weekend in past tense.  Make sure it is detailed and developed.  Use transition vocabulary on back of correction codes and at least 2 of our new expressions (rien, personne, deja, jamais!)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Jeudi 15/10

We reviewed and then took a quiz.

ObjectifStudents will be able to accurately use the 2 forms of the past tense.

Handouts :  Correction codes

Devoirs :  Revise l'Ecusson one last time using correction codes and feedback from me.  Print a new copy and staple to front of returned copy/grading sheet (to turn in Monday!).  Lisez pg 324—take notes over 1) content/what you understood, 2) vocab/structures you look up/don’t understand, 3) keep track of strategies you use when you struggle!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Mardi 13/10

We reviewed the expressions with rien, personne, jamais, and déjà and did our project presentations for a grade.

ObjectifStudents will be able to express never, already/ever, nothing/anything, no one/anyone.

A Faire: Paquet leçons 6-8: pg 50 #2 ((figure out what pictures mean, complete sentences, negative construction, pc & present tense!)

TEC :  Take notes over presentations in your small presentation groups, turn in!

Handouts :  Paquet leçons 6-8

Devoirs Paquet leçons 6-8 : first page—front and back (pgs 45 & 47), study for quiz on Thursday !

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Jeudi 08/10

We reviewed déjà” and “ne…jamais”, and learned to use “ne…personne” and “ne…rien”

ObjectifStudents will practice using expressions for nothing/not anything and no one/not anyone.

A Faire: See handouts!

TEC Practice projects in groups of 4 (make eye contact and use visual), give feedback to peers.

Handouts :  A Faire: déjà et ne…jamais.

Devoirs :  pg 118 #5 (questions and answers!), practice l’Ecusson, study for quiz Thur! (Over basics we’ve reviewed, pc/imp, adjs, verbes (conj/meaning) il y a, déjà, jamais, personne, rien)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mardi 06/10

Today we practiced “il y a”, learned to use “déjà” and “ne…jamais”, practiced and gave peer feedback on projects then started interviews.

Objectif:  Students will be able to express what they have already and never done.

A Faire: See handouts!

TEC :  Listen to peers present projects and give them feedback based on the rubric.

Devoirs :  Practice l’Ecusson (be ready for interview and presentation at length), pg 109 #12 (write questions with déjà and your answers with déjà/ne…jamais.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Vendredi 02/10

We learned how to use “il y a” to express the idea “ago”, practiced projects, and did a listening activity.

ObjectifStudents will be able to express the idea “ago”

A Faire:  1) Respond in detail to the question : « Quels sont tes projets ce weekend ? » (Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire ce weekend ?)  2) pg 131 #10 (write complete sentences using passé composé and « il y a » to say how long ago people did things)

TEC :  Listening Activity #2

Devoirs :  Practice l’Ecusson project (interviews/presentations start Tue!), Complete Leçon 8C handout (read directions carefully!)