Thursday, November 21, 2013

Jeudi 21/11

Today we reviewed the passé composé with reflexive verbs and practiced infinitive construction with them as well.  We read a short text (pg 288 #1) and did some oral/listening comprehension questions after.

A Faire:  pg 287 #7 (write out answers, then do questions/answers orally in partners)

TEC:  pg 288 reading/comprehension questions, pg 287 #9

Devoirs : Journal…choisissez un jour pendant les vacances et décrivez les événements de la journée (voir pg 288 #1),  Ecrivez 20 phrases, employez au moins 10 verbes réfléchis et 5 articles de toilette!  Keep your French going during the break so you don’t get too rusty…Practice out loud !  Watch French movies ! Listen to French music!

Bonnes Vacances!!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mardi 19/11

Today we reviewed les articles de toilettes, learned some new reflexive verbs and learned how to use reflexives in the passé composé.

A Faire:  Sondage…find out when 10 people get up in the morning and go to bed at night.

TEC:  pg 286 #6

Devoirs :  pg 286 #5, Répondez avec 5 phrases complètes: Qu’est-ce que tu as fait hier matin pour se préparer à l’école?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lundi 18/11

Today we reviewed using the imperative with reflexives and practiced using the verbs mettre/utiliser to talk about toiletry items.

A Faire:  Imagine que tu fais du babysitting pour tes voisins.  Leurs enfants ne vous écoutent pas bien et ils ne se préparent pas pour aller au lit.  Employez l’imperatif et dis-eux ce qu’ils doivent faire !  (8 phrases minimums, sois créatif !)

Devoirs: Complétez les phrases suivantes avec 5 phrases pour chacun. (Utilisez les articles de toilettes, mettre/utiliser, les verbes réfléchis, etc)
            Le matin pour se préparer à l’école, je…

            Le soir pour se préparer à aller au lit, je…

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Jeudi 14/11

Today we reviewed the imperative and learned how to apply it to reflexive verbs.

A Faire:  Sondage des camarades (pg 279 #9)

TECpg 285 #3

Devoirs :  pg 284 # 1, pg 285 #4, practice orally (order people around with your reflexives!)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mardi 12/11

Today we did a sondage in class using questions from the homework, practiced using reflexive verbs, reviewed prepositions of place and learned some new vocabulary for toiletry items

Handouts :  Preposition review handout
A Faire:  Sondage…Choose 2 questions from the board and ask them to 10 people.

Devoirs :  pg 279 #9, take notes/learn/memorize verbs in yellow box pg 284

Friday, November 8, 2013

Jeudi 07/11

Today we practiced using reflexive verbs in affirmative and negative constructions and learned/reviewed prepositions by playing a card game.

A Faire:  pg 276 #4 (using se reposer)

Devoirs :  pg 277 #5, #6, Practice French !!!

Mardi 05/11

Today in class we began working on reflexive verbs (for PowerPoint—cliquez ICI!).  We also did some oral practice with our “résidence idéale.”

A Faire:  Take notes and write a “je” sentence for each of the reflexive verbs in the PowerPoint.

TEC:  pg 276 #2, write what the guy at the end of the PowerPoint still needs to do (infinitive construction)!

Devoirs :  Write a sentence using each of the new reflexive verbs in the powerpoint, some house vocab, and varied subjects (not just “je”)

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Calendars accepted only until Wednesday!
Quiz corrections must be completed in tutorial!
Tardy detentions must be served by Wednesday or they double!
Turn in bathroom passes and extra credit coupons by Thursday!