Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mardi 28/05\Mercredi 29/05

Today we learned the forms/usage of the adjective “tout”, we did a TEC on the last poem, and discussed some of the ways project drafts could be improved.  I returned edited drafts for revision.

A Faire:  pg 180 #6

Travail en Classe (TEC):  Read and discuss the poem, Prière d’un petit enfant nègre.  Individually, write answers in English to the following questions, be sure to use examples from the poem to illustrate your ideas :
  1.  What is the message of the poem?
  2. How does the author communicate this message?  What tools does he employ?  Literary devices? Styles?
  3. What is your personal response to the poem?  How does it make you feel?  What do you think of?  How does it relate to your understanding of colonialism?
Devoirs:  Final future/conditional project poster with typed writing and pics!  Finish TEC if not done!