Thursday, January 3, 2013

MLA Citations

MLA: Website

Include the name of the website, the name of the editor (if given), the date of electronic publication (if given), the sponsoring institution (if given), the date of access, and the URL. 

  • To cite a general website:
    • Name of website. Editor(s) of website. Date of electronic publication. Associated institution. Date of access <URL>.
  • To cite a specific article from a website:
    • Author(s) of internet article. "Name of internet article." Name of website. Editor(s) of website. Date of electronic publication. Associated institution. Date of access <URL>.
  • A general website example:
    • BBC on the Internet. 2005. British Broadcasting Company. 12 Apr. 2005 <>.
  • An example of a website with an article:
    • Smith, Fred. "New Football Recruits." Northwestern Football. Ed. Alex Shokey. 2004. Northwestern University. 6 Jun. 2004 <>.

To reference other citation types, see the following link and choose the source type from the list on the left side of the page: