Saturday, May 21, 2016

Jeudi 19/05

We reviewed some pronouns, had dialogue practice time then did most presentations.

ObjectifStudents will review pronouns and present dialogues

A Faire: 1)Prepare questions for a sondage.  Ask your classmates if they have/do the follwoing things :  Avoir des frères ?  Manger beaucoup de fruit ? (en)  Etudier souvent dans ta chambre ?  Jouer au tennis ? (y)  2) Prepare your answers to the quesions using pronuns.

TEC : Dialogue practice

Devoirs :  Prepare oral interview (future/conditional project)  be prepared to talk to me at length about 1 age in the future and answer the questions on the project handout.  Also review for final small test over all pronouns and future/conditional tenses.