Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mardi 29/03

We talked about vacations, reviewed “savoir/connaître,” did a comprehension activity for the homework reading and then did a reading in small groups about differences in cultural customs.

ObjectifStudents will review the uses of savoir and connaître.

A Faire:  pg 231 #12 (prepare the explanations and then do the activity orally in partners)

TEC: Pg 234-235  Un Américain à Paris.  Read in small groups (à haute voix/tour de rôle).  For each scenario, choose what you think the cause of his problems is and write in cahier. Once you’ve discussed/shared your ideas for each scenario on the page…look together at the real reasons on the next page.  Write the cultural difference down in your notes! 

Devoirs :  pg 231 #13

All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)

All quizzes must be made up this week!!

Exam next Wednesday 4/6/16.  Topics to study/review:

reflexives (all tenses/vocab), article de toilette, parties du corps, other relevant vocab/expressions (avoir mal à, utiliser/mettre, plier, sauter/Jacques a dit vocab, etc), sports/faire de, COD, COI (related verbs), lire/dire/écrire/savoir/être, Mardi Gras, review short readings!