Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mercredi 13/05

Today we practiced describing characters and scenes in the past tense using fiary tale vocabulary, read some of Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, and had writing time for Partie 2.

TEC : 1) read Le Petit Chaperon Rouge out loud in groups of 2-3.  Define the bolded words/phrases and make observations about how dialogue is written and verb tenses are used throughout the story. *We will finish the story on Friday

Characteristics of dialogue:  les guillemets « … », each quote starts on a new line (when a different character chimes in!), mostly in present tense (happening in the moment!), often followed by passé composé of dire, demander, répondre, hurler, crier, etc… (cannot use parler!)

2)  Start writing Partie 2 (the first half of the action of your story)

Devoirs :  Have a typed, double spaced copy of Partie 1 ready for peer-edit in class Friday, Finish Partie 2 and be ready to continue developing the action in Partie 3 in class.