Today we
practiced describing characters and scenes in the past tense using fiary tale
vocabulary, read some of Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, and had writing time for
Partie 2.
TEC : 1)
read Le
Petit Chaperon Rouge out loud in groups of 2-3. Define the bolded words/phrases and make
observations about how dialogue is written and verb tenses are used throughout
the story. *We will finish the story on Friday
Characteristics of dialogue: les guillemets « … », each quote starts on a new line (when a different
character chimes in!), mostly in present tense (happening in the moment!),
often followed by passé composé of dire,
demander, répondre, hurler, crier, etc… (cannot use parler!)
Start writing Partie 2 (the first half of the action of your story)
Devoirs : Have a typed, double spaced
copy of Partie 1 ready for peer-edit in class Friday, Finish Partie 2 and be
ready to continue developing the action in Partie 3 in class.