Friday, December 5, 2014

Vendredi 05/12

Today we continued learning about reflexive verbs, including infinitive construction and practiced telling about an event by describing an image.

A Faire : pg 287 #7 (make sure pronoun matches subject !!)

TEC :  Qu’est-ce qu’il y a eu? (see image-cliquez ici !)
Décrivez la scène !  8 phrases minimums. 
*travaillez tout(e) seul(e) ou avec un partenaire
Incluez :  Les mot de transition (d’abord, puis, enfin, etc.), circumstances/background info, actions/main events, et où vous êtes dans la scène !!
Considérez :  Where were you? What was going on when it happened? What happened?  What did people do?  What did you do?

Devoirs :  pg 287 #9 (infinitive construction, make sure pronoun matches) pg 277 #6 (replace underlined portion with reflexive equivalent and rewrite sentence. Make sure pronoun and conjugation are correct!)  Study passé compose et imparfait—quiz next week!  Revise and be ready to share TEC from today.