Friday, October 17, 2014

Vendredi 17/10

Today in class we took time to practice projects orally (really focus on understanding what you’re saying and using the visual as a cue—not memorizing word for word!).  We reviewed the imparfait and then did some comparing of imparfait and passé compose.
                        Imparfait                                                         Passé Composé
-habitual actions conditions—used to do/be
-progressive actions (that were in progress)—was going on/were doing  
-conditions and circumstances that form background of another past action
-specific events—took place/happened
-specific actions at a specific time—took place/did
-well defined action that took place at a specific moment (mention of time may be omitted)

A Faire :  pg 328-329 #1—write out the correct answer to each question and then choose a reason from the box above to justify your answer.

Devoirs :  pg 330 #2 (say where the people didn’t go in passé compose and what they didn’t do—in parentheses—in imparfait!)  Read pg 324-325 again or for first time if you haven’t already (make sure you understand it because we will be doing some analysis of verbs when you come to class Monday) do V/F questions too!