Saturday, March 1, 2014

Jeudi 27/02

Today we continued to practice les compléments d’objet indirect and le projet: personnage célèbre in class.  We did an in-class reflection on the Powerpoint: La culture de manifester and had small group discussions about them.

A Faire:  pg 228 #6 (write Joel’s lines only, do orally in partners)

Handouts/Class Materials:  Réflexion:la manifestation et la grève.

Devoirs :  pg 228 #8 (decide if the verb takes a COD/COI and write a logical response for each bullet point. Pay attention to what is being asked and because many verbs take both!), write at least 2 sentences in French that represent your thoughts about strike/protest/revolution in France and how it compares with our “culture”.  Illustrate with at least 1 picture.  We will be putting these on a bulletin board in class.