Friday, December 20, 2013

Semaine de 16/12-20/12

Lundi 16/12 :  Today, with a substitute, we reviewed body parts and talking about aches/pains.

A Faire:  pg 261 #8 (write where you hurt and why, then do orally in partners)

Devoirs: pg 260 #7 (answer all questions in complete sentences)

Mardi 17/12:  Today, again with a substitute, we worked on the commercial scripts (project) in partners to be turned in by Wednesday at lunch (if not at the end of class) and went over some of the homework/vocabulary.

Devoirs :  Script if not done!   Study/take notes pg 256, do pg 257 #1

Jeudi 19/12: Today we watched the movie, Joyeux Noël and did some activities based on it.

Devoirs : Choose a famous French person who is DEAD to do research on and to write about (make sure there is information about your person out there…it’s difficult to do research with no resources!)  Read examples of previous students’ work on project.  Pay close attention to content and verb tenses.  Write a paragraph summary in English of each one.