Monday, September 17, 2012

Semaine 2/Week 2

Lundi (Mon) 10/9:  Today in class we practiced some past tense writing and speaking. Students also filled out a survey for me about their personal interests and favorite class activities.
Handouts (click on link):  SurveyExpressions Utiles
A Faire:  Réponds à phrases complètes! (Respond in complete sentences!) 
Ecrivez 5 choses que tu as fait pendant les vacances d’été…(5 phrases minimum!)
Devoirs (Homework):  Get binder and notebook (For by Tuesday 11/9), Read syllabus, share with parents/guardians, get signatures!  Study, memorize, practice out loud “Useful Expressions”   

Mardi (Tue) 11/9:  Today in class we organized our cahier (notebook) and classeur (binder), checked out textbooks, reviewed some family vocabulary, and did a group brainstorm about learning/memorization strategies.
Handouts (click on link):  Binder Organization, Verb Packet
A Faire:  Réponds à phrases complètes! (Respond in complete sentences!) 
Qui est dans ta famille?  6 phrases minimum.  Include name and something about each (personality, profession, physical appearance, etc)
Devoirs (Homework):  Define verbs on pg 1-2 of packet, start memorizing meanings and add to verb chart if needed.  Bring art supplies to decorate cahier cover!  

Jeudi (Thur) 13/9:   Today we finished up the group brainstorm and set 2 achieveable/measurable, individual goals for 1st semester, did a listening activity with the “News in Slow French”, practiced some of the verbs from the packet and decorated our cahier covers.
Handouts (click on link):  Goals

A Faire :  Choose 5 verbs from the packet that you do not know and use in a sentence.  5 complete sentences minimum!!
Devoirs (Homework):  Finish defining verbs in packet (note irregulars!), memorize/practice all verbs, choose 10 lesser known verbs (different than 5 used in class) and write 10 complete sentences.  Finish cahier cover if not done in class!