Thursday, April 28, 2016

Mercredi 27/04

We reviewed the use of all pronouns and using multiple in a sentence.  We also learned the conditional tense and discussed our new song Aïcha.

ObjectifStudents will learn the conditional tense.

A Faire:  Révision des pronoms (voir photocopies)

TEC : pg 433 #2 (responses)

PhotocopiesA Faire : Révision des pronoms

Devoirs :  pg 434 #4 (prepare questions and your answers to them)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Lundi 25/04

We reviewed the uses of the pronouns Y and EN, went over the test and how to retake, did some speaking activities, corrected homework, and listened to our new song.

ObjectifStudents will review the use of the pronouns Y and EN.

A Faire:  pg 265 #3

Devoirs Photocopie : Y/EN #4, packet #8 (back page !)

Friday, April 22, 2016

Jeudi 21/04

We learned the pronoun “EN” and had a cultural lesson with a guest speaker.

ObjectifStudents will learn the pronoun EN.

A Faire:  pg 266 #4

PhotocopiesPhotocopie :Y/EN

Devoirs Photocopie : Y/EN #1 & #2

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Mardi 19/04

We practiced more “si” clauses and then learned to use “quand” clauses in conjunction with the future tense.  We also learned the pronoun “Y”.

ObjectifStudents will continue practicing the future and learn the pronoun Y

A Faire:  pg 426 #10

TEC: lecture pg 428-429, pg 265 #1

Devoirs :  pg 426 #11 (use elements from the columns to write 8 logical sentences, may have to use some elements twice !), notes over “expressions de temps” pg 265 # 2 (negative sentences!)

Friday, April 15, 2016

Vendredi 15/04

We practiced some “if, then” scenarios using the future, discussed some predictions for the world in 25 years and played with our fortune tellers.

ObjectifStudents will learn constructions with si in the future

A Faire:  pg 425 #9

TEC: Les prédictions/les diseurs de bonne aventure

Devoirs :  Pg 422 #4 (phrase aff/neg pour chaque bullet dans la situation donnée) , pg 425 #8 (écrivez toute la phrase/complétez les phrases avec un choix donné, logique !)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Mercredi 13/04

We reviewed the future tense and learned some other irregular stems.  We made some group predictions for what life will be like in 25 years that we’ll share next class and then made fortune tellers to practice telling each other’s futures. 

ObjectifStudents will practice using the future tense.

A Faire:  pg 422 #3

TEC: pg 427 #12 (1-6 only), Le diseur de bonne aventure

Devoirs :  pg 424 #7 (use the information on the schedule to answer the questions in complete sentences!), pg 427 #12 (7-12 only, finish it!)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Lundi 11/04

We continued practicing multiple pronouns and learned about the future tense.

ObjectifStudents will learn to use the future tense.

A Faire:  pg 228 #7

TEC: pg 421 #1 orally, pg 422 #2 (written)

Devoirs :  pg 423 #5 (réponses), pg 229 #10, écrivez une prédiction pour la vie dans 25 ans (employez le futur!!  Voir des exemples dans le PowerPoint : Rêve ou Réalité)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Mercredi 06/04

There was an opportunity to ask questions/get clarifications and then we took our test.

ObjectifStudents will demonstrate knowledge on a test.

PhotocopiesMa voiture/Pauline

Devoirs :  Ma voiture/Pauline (rewrite both paragraphs replacing « ma voiture » and « Pauline » as COD or COI)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Lundi 04/04

We did some review for the test and learned about the order of pronouns when using more than one in a sentence.

ObjectifStudents will review for test!

A Faire:  Paquet (COI) #6 (soyez logique !)

TEC: Oral Activity/Battleship

Photocopies:  Oral Activity/Battleship

Devoirs :  Paquet COI #1 & pg 229 #9, study for test next class !!

Topics to study/review:
reflexives (all tenses/vocab), article de toilette, parties du corps, other relevant vocab/expressions (avoir mal à, utiliser/mettre, plier, sauter/Jacques a dit vocab, etc), sports/faire de, COD, COI (related verbs), lire/dire/écrire/savoir/être, Mardi Gras, poisson d'avril, review short readings!