We did some review activities, went over some
homework and then learned about Poisson d’Avril.
Objectif: Students will review for test and learn
about Poisson d’avril
Faire: Paquet (COI) #7 (savoir & connaître)
TEC: Make « poisson d’avril » !
Devoirs : first page front and back of “paquet
COD” (NOT the most recent packet but the previous one) for review of direct
object pronouns. Study for test on
All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)
All quizzes must be made up this week!!
Exam next Wednesday 4/6/16.
Topics to study/review:
reflexives (all
tenses/vocab), article de toilette, parties du corps, other relevant
vocab/expressions (avoir mal à, utiliser/mettre, plier, sauter/Jacques a dit
vocab, etc), sports/faire de, COD, COI (related verbs),
lire/dire/écrire/savoir/être, Mardi Gras, Poisson d'Avril, review short readings!