Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mercredi 30/09

Today we reviewed some irregular verbs in present tense, practiced presenting our projects and reviewed the usage of imparfait/passé composé. 

ObjectifStudents will review and practice irregular present tense verb conjugations.

A Faire: Leçon 6/8B handout #3 (front), #1 (back, some passé composé too)

TEC :  Leçon 23 paquet back page #2 « Hier »

Handouts : Leçon 6/8B handout

Devoirs :  Leçon 23 paquet page « C » (activités 1-3, for #3 : come up with logical completions of the sentences and use either imparfait or passé composé as appropriate.)  PRACTICE L’ECUSSON PROJECT!!! (Presentations start Tuesday!)

Monday, September 28, 2015

Lundi 28/09

We listened to our song, did some review of forming “l’imparfait” and discussed more how to distinguish between using “l’imparfait” or “le passé composé”.  We also had some project work time in class.

ObjectifStudents will be able to correctly form the “imparfait”

A Faire: paquet leçon 23  B (1-3, 2nd page!)

TEC Project work time…clarify with partner, get feedback from me or others, begin practicing orally, work on visual

Devoirs :  Final draft TYPED, 1.5 spaced) x2 (1 for me and 1 for you!!), visual, be ready to practice in class!  Make up missing work!!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jeudi 24/09

Today in class we reviewed some basic questions about what we do in life (school, sports, family) and possessive adjectives (my, your, his/hers, etc).  We also took a verb vocab quiz and did a peer-edit of the last 2 sections of the project.

ObjectifStudents will be able to express possession by using the appropriate adjectives.

A Faire:  Traduisez (translate) en français :
1) her (female) cousin             2) his uncles                                3) our parents            
4) their families                       5) (informal) your (female) friend   6) her grandparents   
7) (formal) your brother          8) Y’all’s neighbors                    9) our dog                 
10) his favorite color              11) her favorite sport.                  12) their mom

TEC :  Peer-edit #2

Devoirs :  Revise and finalize drafts, work on visual (30 min in class Monday to work/clarify with partner/get feedback from me or others/begin practicing orally—Hard copy due Wed, also peer edits/drafts and visual!),  Etudiez pgs 317/321, do leçon 23 A (1-3, front page!)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Mardi 22/09

We reviewed the usage of the “imparfait” and the “passé composé” as well as formation.  Then, in groups, we did an activity where we had to make choices between using one or the other.  We also did a peer edit of the first 2 paragraphs of the project (past vacations and future hopes/dreams).

ObjectifStudents will be able to differentiate between two forms of the past tense.

A Faire: Handout…In groups, decide between imparfait/passé composé for your assigned paragraph, then rewrite it the correct forms.  Circle your choices in the other three paragraphs as well (you don’t need to rewrite those!)

TEC Peer Edit #1: L’Ecusson (past vacations, future hopes/dreams)

Devoirs :  Remaining 2 sections…or 3 if your choosing to do an extra! (double spaced, typed/neatly written) Study verbs from new list for quiz jeudi!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Vendredi 18/09

Today we shared some physical and personality descriptions of ourselves and of others.  We took a vocab quiz and then had a lot of interview time for the project.

ObjectifStudents will be able to ask and answer questions to find out about others.

TEC Interviews !!

Handouts : 2nd verb list

Devoirs :  rough draft (DOUBLE SPACED, TYPED OR NEATLY WRITTEN) of past vacations and future hopes/dreams sections. Keep in mind that 2 more sections will be due on Thursday! Start studying 2nd verb list for quiz next Thur (lots of overlap/familiar ones!)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mercredi 16/09

We reviewed how to give physical and personality descriptions as well as the passé composé with être.  We did a partner speaking activity and have some time for project interviews.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use adjectives to give physical and personality descriptions.

A Faire: Look at the last 3 slides of the PowerPoint and answer the following questions in complete sentences…  1) Qui est-ce ? 2) (approx) Quel age a-t-il/elle? Comment est-il/elle? (2 physique/2 personality)

TEC :  Tête à Tête: un voyage (see handouts)

Devoirs :  Leçon 8 handout front & back, study list of verbs you defined (vocab quiz Friday!)  Prepare for last interview time on Friday (you may come during tutorial if you want more time!!)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Lundi 14/09

Today we reviewed the formation of the passé compose and how to make questions using it.  We also had time to start interviewing partners for the project.

ObjectifStudents will be able to form questions using le passé compose.

A Faire: Leçon 6 handout #1 (do 3 aff/3 neg)

TEC Interview time :  Speak French !  Keep notes!  Ask follow-up questions!  The more info you have, the easier it is to write!

Devoirs :  Leçon 6 handout #2 (read context and write 1 aff/1 neg sentence, soyez logique!), mot croisé, prepare for interview time/start writing out findings, Study verb list (that you defined)…vocab quiz soon!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jeudi 10/09

We reviewed using professions and possessive adjectives (mon, ton, son, etc.), brainstormed questions, did a partner speaking activity and learned about our new project.

ObjectifStudents will be able to ask and answer questions about self and others.

A Faire:  Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais faire plus tard?

TEC Tête à tête (see handout), Billet de sortie : Les adjectifs possessifs

Devoirs :  Write 8-10 questions you could ask about a partner’s past vacations (utilize question words for details!!), Leçon 6 handout (Passé composé practice) #3 & 4, mot croisé, be ready to turn in nametag!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Mardi 08/09

Today we reviewed how to form questions in French, finished dialogue presentations, chose new French identities (names) and made nametags.

ObjectifStudents will review how to form questions and write some.

A Faire: Handout…Part A : write an « est-ce que » and an « inversion » question for each in the « vous » form.  Part B:  write inversion questions asking about Chantal.  Be sure to insert a “t” between the subject and the verb to resolve the vowel clash.

TEC :  Brainstorming in partners.  Brainstorm as many questions as possible that you could ask if you were trying to get to know someone new.

Devoirs : Imagine you are a journalist and you’re going to interview someone. Write a list of 15 questions you can use to ask about the subjects of:  family/friends, personal/school life, and likes/dislikes.  Vary the formations of your questions and consider the types of responses you will get from your questions (oui/non vs. info).  Choose 10 (difficult/new) verbs from the verb list that you defined and do visual dictionary entries (MUST include:  the verb, an image, and the verb used correctly in a sentence.)  Practice!!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Jeudi 03/09

Today we reviewed numbers and how to tell time, focusing specifically on expressions for time of day and the ¼, ½, ¾ hours as well as the 24 hour clock.  We set up binders/cahiers then practiced and started presenting dialogues.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use numbers and expressions to appropriately express time.

A Faire: Partner, A/B activity (see handouts).  Read directions carefully!

TEC :  Mini-dialogue

Devoirs :  Materials, commitments, practice question list, numbers, time, verb conjugations, clocks on back of A/B activity (hard copy only), être/avoir/faire review

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mardi 01/09

Bienvenue au blog de français 5-6 de l’année 2015-2016!

Today in class we did some review of questions and used them to create an original dialogue that we will present in class next time.  We also listened to our first song and checked out textbooks.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use questions to write an authentic dialogue and get to know one another.

A Faire: Répondez à phrases complètes:
C’était comment ton weekend ?
Qu’est-ce que tu as fait ?

TEC Mini-dialogue (see handouts)

Devoirs :  Materials, commitments, practice alphabet/numbers, question list #3 and dialogue (be ready to present in class on Thursday)!  Finish defining verbs on verb list and study them.  Start thinking about what name you will give your new French identity!