Friday, May 29, 2015

Vendredi 29/05

We practiced using à/de to connect infinitives to certain verbs, went over the Paris, Je t’aime video worksheet, had some project work time and did some vocab review.

A Fairepg 415 #5

TECproject planning time

Devoirs :  pg 415 #6, pg 414 #1 (questions personnelles), prepare project presentation, study for test, prepare for fête de crêpe on Wed !

Test topics:
Verb + à/de + infinitive
Paris, Je t’aime
Contes de fees vocab

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mercredi 27/05

Today we shared about our long weekends and our favorite parts of our stories.  Then we had some planning time for presentations and talked about the logistics of putting together the presentations.  We also discussed some verbs that are followed by a preposition that must precede an infinitive.

TECPresentation planning

Devoirs :  Work on presentations! Come prepared to plan in class (bring a copy of script to mark up, etc.) Take notes pg 414, do pg 415 #7.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Vendredi 22/05

We practiced some more fairy tale vocabulary, edited Partie 4 and had some work time for revisions.  Final drafts due Wednesday!

A FaireRépondez à ces questions avec des phrases complètes :  1) Si tu pouvais transformer en n’importe quel personnage de conte de fée, lequel choisirais-tu ? Pourquoi ?? 2) Si tu avais le pouvoir (power) à jeter un sort, qu’est-ce que tu ferais/changerais ?  3) Est-ce qu’il y avait une occasion que tu t’es perdu (e) quelque part ?  Quand et comment est-ce que tu as trouvé le bon chemin (your way) ?

TECRédaction en commun, révision de contes

Devoirs :  Final draft of story (Don’t forget: 1.5 spaced, all parts together as a cohesive story, dialogue distinguished from other parts of the text, accents, title, READ IT through before turning in!!)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mercredi 20/05

Today we reviewed fairy tale vocabulary and object pronouns.  Then we did a peer edit of Parties 2 & 3 and had some work time.

TECWork on partie 4

Devoirs :  Partie 4 typed, printed, double spaced for peer edit.  Attention:  Final drafts due 1 week from today!  (review “your work must” section of project handout, make sure dialogue is separated from the narration and 1.5 space the final copy!)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Lundi 18/05

Today we worked through some of the Paris, Je t’aime video.

Devoirs :  Parties 2-3 typed, double spaced for peer edit

Friday, May 15, 2015

Vendredi 15/05

We practiced some fairy tale vocabulary, finished reading Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, did a peer-edit of Partie 1, and had some worktime for Partie 3.

TECWork on Partie 3

Devoirs :  Parties 2-3 typed, double spaced for peer edit

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mercredi 13/05

Today we practiced describing characters and scenes in the past tense using fiary tale vocabulary, read some of Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, and had writing time for Partie 2.

TEC : 1) read Le Petit Chaperon Rouge out loud in groups of 2-3.  Define the bolded words/phrases and make observations about how dialogue is written and verb tenses are used throughout the story. *We will finish the story on Friday

Characteristics of dialogue:  les guillemets « … », each quote starts on a new line (when a different character chimes in!), mostly in present tense (happening in the moment!), often followed by passé composé of dire, demander, répondre, hurler, crier, etc… (cannot use parler!)

2)  Start writing Partie 2 (the first half of the action of your story)

Devoirs :  Have a typed, double spaced copy of Partie 1 ready for peer-edit in class Friday, Finish Partie 2 and be ready to continue developing the action in Partie 3 in class.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Lundi 11/05

Today worked on Partie 1 of the project.

TEC:  Write Partie 1

Devoirs :  Finish partie 1 (about ½-1 page, mostly past tense !)

Vendredi 08/05

We had a substitute.  We started project work and did some fairy tale reading.

TECMap out/outline 4 parts of project, turn in!  Work on partie 1

Devoirs :  choose 2 fictional characters from the vocab supplement and describe physique/personality using imparfait (what it/he/she was like! About 3-4 sentences each), label  images on back of handout with appropriate vocab term from front side.  Choose and use 5 other characters or new vocab words in sentences of your choice, paquet leçon 31 #9 B (back page)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mercredi 06/05

Today we talked about the verb “croire” and its similarities to “voir” as well as some expressions of opinion.  Then we watched our video “Paris, Je t’aime” and then discussed our final class project.

Devoirs : Bring ideas and supplies for starting to write the project in class on Friday; Paquet leçon 31: #4 & #5

Monday, May 4, 2015

Lundi 04/05

Today we did some reading activities.

TEC:  pg 270  read out loud and take turns in groups of 2-3., 1) Lisez les definitions et choisissez le sport qui correspond.  2) Faites : constructions utiles (find as many as possible !) 3) trouvez les phrases qui ont les pronoms “y”, “en”, et “le”.  Observez quels verbs sont utilisés avec ces pronoms.

Handouts :  Paquet leçon 31 

Devoirs :  Paquet leçon 31 : #1 (visiter au futur), #2 (put future forms of verbs in sentences then rewrite the sentences using a pronoun.  Pay close attention to what you are replacing!!)

Friday, May 1, 2015

Vendredi 01/05

We reviewed the pronouns Y and EN and watched Paris, Je t’aime (a cultural video) for listening comprehension.

A Fairepg. 268 #8 (write answers and share in partners.

TECpg 438—La chasse au tresor in groups!

Devoirs :  pg 269 #1 (describe 4 sports/activities that you do by saying when, where, with whom, etc.  Use y and en in your sentences.  Follow the model!) study/take notes verb croire/expressions of opinion, do pg 269 #10