Friday, December 19, 2014

Vendredi 19/12

Today we did some speaking practice and then continued the film “Joyeux Noël.”

Devoirs :  Write an introduction letter to a new pen pal in the Congo.  Give them an overview of who you are and what your life is like. Consider: likes, activities, family, friends, where you live, leisure time, school, etc.  1 page minimum (this is a great way to review basics in preparation for your big written exam coming in January).  Know the following vocabulary:  body parts, all reflexives we’ve covered and toiletry items (vocab quiz the week we get back!)


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mercredi 17/12

Today we shared our daily routines in partners and gave each other feedback.  Then we started a film called” “Joyeux Noël”

Devoirs :  Revise “routine quotidienne” for turn in neatly written/typed. (when do you wake/get up?  What do you do to get ready?  What routines do have before bed?  8 sentences minimum and must use at least 5 reflexives! Present tense (habitual, still happening daily) and definite articles with body parts!), study/take notes over verbs pg 284 and do #1, complete your participation rubric (must explain if you give yourself anything other than a + “always demonstrates”, consider your practices for the months of October and November!)

Lundi 15/12

Today we had a substitute.  We practiced body parts and verbs by playing “Jacques a dit” (Simon says) and read a short story (pg 280-281) out loud in groups and discussed the content.

A Faire :  Look at pg 259 #4, write 5 more commands for “Jacques a dit”.

Devoirs :  pg 259 #5 (write whole sentence), “Ta routine quotidienne”: write daily routine: when do you wake/get up?  What do you do to get ready?  What routines do have before bed?  8 sentences minimum and must use at least 5 reflexives! Present tense (habitual, still happening daily) and definite articles with body parts!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Vendredi 12/12

Today we practiced reflexives, talked about body parts and using the definite article in French, discussed sports and shared out the homework.  We also took a quiz.

A Faire : pg 274 #1

Devoirs :  Study pg 278, do pg 279 #8 & #9

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Mercredi 10/12

Today in class we did a survey of the class using se réveiller/se lever and se coucher, brainstormed body parts and learned/practiced ways to describe being healthy. 

A Faire :  Do a survey of 10 people and find out what time the get up and go to bed (in general).  Write sentences explaining your findings.

TEC Label the body parts on the handout (you may have to draw some in!)

Devoirs :  Finish any in-class work, pg 260 #6 (answers only), study/take notes pg 256, do pg 257 #3 (complete sentences).  Study for passé compose/imparfait quiz Friday!!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Lundi 08/12

Today we recounted our weekends and did some reflexive practice.

A Faire :  pg 277 #7. Write the question and answer “starters” so that you can fill them in with the specifics (below the pics) in your conversations with your partner.  The idea is you get lots of practice with these verbs!!

Devoirs :  pg 277 #5 (complete sentences), study  passé compose and imparfait (formation/usage) for quiz this week!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Vendredi 05/12

Today we continued learning about reflexive verbs, including infinitive construction and practiced telling about an event by describing an image.

A Faire : pg 287 #7 (make sure pronoun matches subject !!)

TEC :  Qu’est-ce qu’il y a eu? (see image-cliquez ici !)
Décrivez la scène !  8 phrases minimums. 
*travaillez tout(e) seul(e) ou avec un partenaire
Incluez :  Les mot de transition (d’abord, puis, enfin, etc.), circumstances/background info, actions/main events, et où vous êtes dans la scène !!
Considérez :  Where were you? What was going on when it happened? What happened?  What did people do?  What did you do?

Devoirs :  pg 287 #9 (infinitive construction, make sure pronoun matches) pg 277 #6 (replace underlined portion with reflexive equivalent and rewrite sentence. Make sure pronoun and conjugation are correct!)  Study passé compose et imparfait—quiz next week!  Revise and be ready to share TEC from today.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mercredi 03/12:

Today in class we discussed possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes, etc.), the guided dialogue from the homework, and learned about reflexive verbs.

A Faire :  pg 276 #2 (Attention:  use a different one of the 7 verbs in the yellow box below in each sentence, you will need to use 1 twice.)

TEC Read « le jour de Thanksgiving de Mme. Reid » out loud and try to identify the meaning of the reflexive verbs listed on the back (also underlined in the text) by using the context only (no dictionary or wordreference!)

Devoirs :  Revise « dialogue dirigé », pg 267 #3 (must write at least subject/reflexive pronoun/verb but should write whole sentence.) and #4 (read the context and decide if the person “se reposer” or not)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Lundi 01/12

Today we practiced talking about what we ate for Thanksgiving and shared about Thanksgiving weekend.  We also turned in the Thanksgiving journals.

A Faire :  Take notes over the PowerPoint and answer the following questions in complete sentences and with at least 3 vocab words in each:  “Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger?”  “Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas/détestes manger?”

Devoirs :  Dialogue Dirigé :  write out the guided dialogue in French.  Pay close attention to tenses and vocabulary !