Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Mercredi 26/11

Today in class we went over some of the homework assignments from the packet and practiced them orally.  We looked at an example of how to retell about an event and played Pictionary.

Devoirs : quoi de neuf packet pg 6 #4 (rewrite in past), Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé pendant les vacances de Thanksgiving ? Write a journal of 20 phrases telling about your T-day or the long weekend.  Use a variety of verbs, vocab and sentences (try to get away from short and simple ones!), imparfait/pc, transition words (first, then, after, finally—see packet!), and do it neatly written/typed to turn in Monday.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Lundi 24/11

Today we discussed our weekends and practiced past tense.  We also had a pop quiz.

Devoirs :  Paquet pg 5 #3 (write question in passé compose and answer in imparfait)

Friday, November 21, 2014

Vendredi 21/11

Today we wrote some weather reports, went over the vocabulary on the front page of the packet, did some speaking practice and worked on/presented mini-dialogues about weather.

A Faire :  PowerPoint :  La météo prédit…  Choose 3 cities in France with different weather and write a short (3-4 sentences) weather report.  Try to use a variety of vocabulary.  Discuss the US weather map orally.

Devoirs :  Study pg 4 (paquet) and do #1 (put in correct form of past and combine sentences with « parce que »), do pg 5 #2 (rewrite the paragraph with the correct information !).  Pop Quiz next week over current vocab and structures!  Do your homework!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mercredi 19/11

Today we did some practice with clothing and weather vocabulary (du nouveau paquet!)

A FairePowerPoint :  Qu'est-ce qui arrive?.  Describe the weather in the images using as much of the vocab as possible (particularly the new stuff !)

Travail en Classe Paquet: Quoi de Neuf #4 (en partenaire) Start preparing a dialogue to present in class on Friday

DevoirsPaquet: Quoi de Neuf #1 « Journalisme : le magazine de RADAR » (phrases complètes and utiliser une variété de verbes : arriver, se passer, avoir lieu), #3 « Une question de temps » (completez les phrases, describe the weather or the moment in the day you would do those things.)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Lundi 03/11

Today we discussed our weekends and practiced using ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)

Handouts Paquet: Quoi de Neuf

Devoirs :  Take notes over the 1st page of packet (bring any questions you have about vocab to class), do 8 visual dictionary entries for weather vocab on the back of 1st page in packet (choose words that are new/difficult) each entry must have an image and the term underlined and used in a sentence. NO English!  Revise l’Ecusson writing for possible extra points (Due Wednesday!)

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Vendredi 14/11

Today Mme. Pallier led some oral practice with clothing vocab while I did oral interviews.

Devoirs :  mini-projet des vêtements (design an outfit/make image in color/write description to turn in!…see criteria here), Take notes pg 356 B, pg 357 #2

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mercredi 05/11

Today we went over some of the clothing vocabulary orally and practiced describing outfits with color and patterns. I continued oral interviews.
Handouts : PowerPoint: Les vetements1
A Faire : Describe the 6 men's outfits on the last slide of PowerPoint in detai. Turn in!
Travail en Classe: Paquet: C'est la vie (Turn in!)
Devoirs : use vocab pg 351 to do pg 352 #11 and pg 352 #12 (bring questions/trouble spots to class next time!)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Vendredi 07/11

Today we continued some independent work with clothing vocab and Mme. Reid did oral interviews
Travail en Classe:  Finish leçon 25 packet (turn in!), Start “C’est la vie” packet

Devoirs :  pg 350 #8, take notes pg 351, pg 352 #9 (complete sentences, answer all questions!!)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mercredi 05/11

Today we did some independent work on clothing/accessories while Mme. Reid conducted oral interviews.

A Faire :  Handout (front only, answer in complete sentences in the past!)

Travail en Classe Paquet: Leçon 25 (first page front and back), start mini-projet if time !

Devoirs :  Practice for interviews ! Pg. 350 #5 (what was she wearing—imparfait !) & #6 (list all that apply in a complete sentence)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Lundi 03/11

Today we did our sing off and practiced for oral interviews (starting Wednesday at random though I will take volunteers to start!)

Devoirs :  prepare oral interview, take notes pg 348 and do #3