Thursday, May 29, 2014

Jeudi 29/05

Today we corrected quizzes and played “Loto” to review some verb vocabulary.

Handouts/Class Materials :   Savoir/Connaître handout

Devoirs:  Contes de fées presentations (3 juin)!!  Paquet pg 65 #7 and 69 #2, Savoir/Connaître handout.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mardi 27/05

Today we reviewed some “si” and “quand” clauses with the future and conditional, then took a quiz.

Devoirs:  Contes de fées presentations (3 juin)!! Study for final (5 juin)!!  Paquet pg 72 #6 A (choose 2 pics and describe with 6 sentences each!!) and B (6 sentences!) *18 sentences total!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Jeudi 22/05

Today discussed the adjective “tout”, reviewed the passé composé avec être, did some “contes de fées” project planning in groups, and watched “Le Petit Chaperon Rouge.

A Faire:  pg 180 #7

Devoirs:  practice fairy tale scripts (presentations start 3 juin!), study for quiz (TUE!) and final, PC packet pg 70 #3 (lettre d’Hélène) and pg 71 #4 (l’ordre logique).

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mardi 20/05

Today we reviewed the passé composé and worked in groups to complete the final revisions of les contes de fées.

A Faire: PC paquet #2

Devoirs:  final draft of contes de fées (1 copy for me and 1 for each in group, remember to include all required criteria !!)  PC packet #3, #6

Monday, May 19, 2014

Lundi 12/05

Today we reviewed l’impératif and Y/En.

A Faire: Utilisez l’impératif et les pronoms Y et En de donner des ordres aux personnes indiquées !  Attention : quelques phrases doivent être affirmatives et négatives !

Aff : Jouer à la crosse, (vous), faire des exercices (tu), aller chez le dentiste (nous),  manger des légumes (nous), mettre du sel sur la  table (tu),
Neg : faire des achats à Washington Square (nous), croire au lapin de Pâques (vous), prendre des photos (vous), rester chez toi (tu), boire du soda (tu), diner à MacDo (nous)

Handouts/Class Materials :  Final review list

Devoirs :  pg 269 #2 (write ALL questions.  Write answers to each question using a pronoun (y/en), make ½ of answers negative and ½ affirmative)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Jeudi 15/05

Today we did a sondage with the “contes de fées” questions, read “le Petit Chaperon Rouge” out loud in groups, and worked on finalizing the rough drafts (partie 4) of the project (contes de fées).

Handouts/Class Materials :  Sondage--contes de fées

Devoirs:  pg 269 #1 (sport or activity using faire or jouer) and write 3 short sentences(like, when, where) for each using Y and En when possible; study/take notes pg 180, pg 180 #6, study contes de fées vocab. (quiz coming soon!!)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mardi 13/05

Today we practiced contes de fées vocabulary and l’imparfait.  Then we worked on projects while I did oral interviews.

Devoirs:  Leçon 23 packet pg 191 #B (10 sentences ! Use questions given or your own inspiration !), study contes de fees vocabulary in project packet (will be on next quiz), use 10 new words from contes de fees vocab in sentences and UNDERLINE! (you may use more than 1 in a sentence), do any work necessary to be able to turn in part 4 rough draft and be revising the other 3 parts in class on Thursday Make sure you’ve read “Le Petit Chaperon Rouge” and done the vocab for Thursday!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Lundi 12/05

Today we reviewed l’imperatif and watched some of “le Petit Chaperon Rouge”.

A Faire:  Leçon 23 pg 189 #1

Devoirs : A Faire handout (contes de fées) #5-9, Leçon 23 pg 189 #3 (continues on 190)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Jeudi 08/05

Today we reviewed the imparfait, looked at some examples of fairy tale presentations, and then worked on les contes de fées.  We turned in partie 3 at the end of the class period today.

Handouts/Class Materials Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, editing corrections

Devoirs Leçon 23 pg 191 #7 (write 2 sentences for each using different verbs in imparfait!) Read “Le Petit Chaperon Rouge”, make sure you can understand what you’re reading (you should be able to summarize what you read in English if you understand).  Define the bolded vocabulary words/phrases based on how they are used in the context of the story (you will need to use to help you along; you may need to look up parts of phrases or figure out infinitives to find the meanings!) You will TURN IN this vocab on Monday!  Catch up on project if necessary!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mardi 06/05

Today practiced “Y” and “En” and some fairy tale vocabulary, practiced projects and then worked on part 3 of les contes de fées (the last of the action of the story before the conclusion/happy ending) while I did oral interviews.

A Fairehandout #1-4

Handouts/Class Materials : A Faire handout (contes de fées), paquet leçon 23 (review of imparfait!)

Devoirs (paquet leçon 23) pg 189 #2, pg 190 #4, #1 (a phrases complètes!)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Jeudi 01/05

Today we practiced the pronoun “en” and worked on the new fairy tale project while I conducted individual oral interviews.

A Faire:  pg 267 #5

Handouts/Class Materials :  Les contes de fées

Devoirs:  be ready for interviews, pg 268 #9, Y/En handout #4 (choose between Y & En), work on “conte de fée” if necessary (parts 1 & 2 to be turned in at the end of class on Monday!)