Monday, March 31, 2014

Lundi 31/03

Today we did a “sondage” about Spring Break.

A Faire:  Write question and follow-up question for sondage

Handouts/Class Materials : Sondage

Devoirs : Have « Quoi de Neuf » for peer edit tomorrow (typed/double spaced !), be ready for oral interviews if you haven’t done yours yet (finishing them tomorrow), pg 426 #11 (complete sentences.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Jeudi 20/03

Today we reviewed briefly then took a quiz.

Devoirs :  “Quoi de Neuf” (Show and Tell)  Choose something that you will share in class after break and write a description of it.  Make sure to include the following criteria:
Qui/Que (each one at least once)
COD (au moins 2)
COI (au moins 2)
Passé, Présent, Futur
Underline the criteria in your paragraph
Typed, double spaced
8-10 phrases
*Watch French movies, listen to French music, speak French whenever possible!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mardi 18/03

Today we reviewed direct/indirect object pronouns, verbs pg 220, si/quand clauses and did oral interviews.

A Faire:  Unite 4 packet pg 143 #2, rewrite sentences using a COD/COI
Answer using COD/COI :
Est-ce que tu gardes les souvenirs de voyage?
Est-ce que tu donnes les souvenirs à ta famille ?
Est-ce que tu laisses souvent ton livre dans ton casier ?
Est-ce que tu empruntes ton livre à tes amis ?
Est-ce que tu oublies de temps en temps tes devoirs chez toi ?

Handouts/Class Materials:  Paquet lecon 31

Devoirs:  Paquet Unite 4 pg 145 (#5-7), Paquet Lecon 31 #5, #6, Study for Quiz !!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lundi 17/03

Today we did some review for the quiz (qui/que, le future, vivre/habiter).

A Faire:  Qui/Que handout #5

Handouts/Class Materials: Qui/Que handout, Paquet Unité 4

Devoirs : Qui/que handout #6, Paquet unité 4: pg 138 #3 (impératif), pg 143 #2 (know whether to use à + person or not depending on verb)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Jeudi 13/03

Today we spent most of the period on project presentations (le musée) and oral interviews.  We also did some future tense practice.

Devoirs :  pg 427 #12, pg 426 #10 (check out use of “quand” clause on top of pg 426), be prepared for interviews, study for quiz next Thursday!

Quiz: qui/que, direct/indirect object pronouns (and the verbs that take them), verbs (pgs 220, 224, savoir/connaître), future, St. Valentin, Mardi Gras, La culture de manifester en France, and the basics (regular/irregular present tense verbs; basic editing fixes like accents, prepositions and dates; passé composé; imparfait; etc.)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mardi 11/03

Today we talked about irregular stems in the future tense and did some practice (note that acheter and payer are slightly irregular as well!).  We also talked about using the construction of a “si” clause and a result clause.  Then we did presentations!

A Faire:  pg 434 #7 (à phrases complètes)

Handouts/Class Materials Audience worksheet

Devoirs:  pg 422 #4, pg 425 #8

Monday, March 10, 2014

Lundi 10/03

Today I shared the oral interview rubric and we did some future tense practice.

A Faire:  pg 422 #2

Handouts/Class Materials:  Oral interview rubric

Devoirs : take notes green boxes pgs 423, 427.  Do pg 423 #5.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Jeudi 06/03

Today we did some practice with the verbs dire, lire and écrire, practiced projects and learned the future tense.

A Faire:  pg 225 #2

TECpg 421 #1

Devoirs :  Be ready for individual interviews starting Monday (questions from the question list on the project handout) and “Living Dead Museum” presentations starting Tuesday.  Pg 224 #1 and pg 422 #3 (réponses!) 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mardi 04/03

Today we learned how to use more than one pronoun in a sentence (l’ordre de pronoms), practiced projects, and started a reading about Mardi Gras.

Handouts/Class Materials:  Lecture de Mardi Gras

A Faire:  pg 229 #9 (answers only, do orally in partners)

TECRead Mardi Gras article out loud in small groups.  Keep notes about content and any vocab/grammar you look up/find difficult. 

Devoirs:  pg 229 #10, finish Mardi Gras reading and write an English summary of what you learned from it.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Lundi 03/03

Aujourd’hui, nous avons écouté une oratrice invitée d’Andeo qui a parlé du Maroc.

A Faire:  Prenez des notes de la presentation du Maroc

Devoirs : pg 228 #7, practice project (oral interviews start Monday—in 1 week!)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Jeudi 27/02

Today we continued to practice les compléments d’objet indirect and le projet: personnage célèbre in class.  We did an in-class reflection on the Powerpoint: La culture de manifester and had small group discussions about them.

A Faire:  pg 228 #6 (write Joel’s lines only, do orally in partners)

Handouts/Class Materials:  Réflexion:la manifestation et la grève.

Devoirs :  pg 228 #8 (decide if the verb takes a COD/COI and write a logical response for each bullet point. Pay attention to what is being asked and because many verbs take both!), write at least 2 sentences in French that represent your thoughts about strike/protest/revolution in France and how it compares with our “culture”.  Illustrate with at least 1 picture.  We will be putting these on a bulletin board in class.