Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Mardi 25/02

Today we learned how to use indirect object pronouns (les compléments d’objet indirect—COI).  We also began practicing projects.

A Faire:  Rewrite “Pauline” story (on back of handout) using indirect object pronouns when possible.

Handouts/Class Materials:  Indirect Objects

Devoirs:  pg 227 #5 (complete sentences and answer all questions!), practice project (be able to present without looking at writing by Monday!)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Lundi 24/02

We practiced connaître/savoir and using me/te/nous/vous as object pronouns.

A Faire:  pg 205 #3

Devoirs : pg 231 #13, 2 copies of final draft (make sure you have bibliography, the draft I edited and the draft you edited over the last few weeks to turn in with it!)  Bring visual to practice with in class!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Jeudi 20/02

Today we reviewed the verbs “savoir et connaître”, went over some fixes for the famous person drafts and practiced using me, te, nous, and vous as COD.

A Faire:  Write a response to each PowerPoint slide using a COD.

TEC: Translation (turn in!), pg 206 #5

Devoirs :  pg 205 #1 (questions/answers), final draft (2 copies) and visual for Tuesday.

*Don’t forget to come pick up your draft from me on Friday if I didn’t return it to you in class!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mardi 18/02

Today we learned about “La France et la culture de manifester”

A Faire:  Take notes over PowerPoint

Devoirs:  Study verbs pg 220, do pg 220 #11, reflection on PowerPoint and American “culture” (see PowerPoint.)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Jeudi 13/02

Today  learned the verb “savoir”, went over some fixes for the famous person drafts and had time to work on them in class.

A Faire:  pg 231 #12 (write reason why not, do orally in partners)

Handouts/Class Materials:  St. Valentin vocab

Devoirs :  pg 218 #7 (impératif), pg 230 #11 (choose between connaître/savoir and conjugate to complete the sentences), finish fixes in packet!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mardi 11/02

Today we reviewed direct object pronouns in the imperative and passé composé.  We also started doing editing “fixes” on the famous person drafts.

Handouts/Class Materials:  Fixes #1

A Faire:  pg 218 #6 (do orally in partners)

TEC: pg 218 #5

Devoirs:  pg 218 #8 (infinitive form), pg 219 #9 (answers only), pg 1 of fixes (correct draft!)

*Bring smart phone/laptop Thursday for use during 30 min work time on draft "fixes".
**Quiz coming soon...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Jeudi 06/02

Today with a substitute, we practiced direct object pronouns in the imperative and passé composé.

A Faire:  218 #7

Devoirs :  pg 218 #5 answers only, pg 219 #10 (make agreements!)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mardi 04/02

Today we practiced connaître and related expressions/constructions, learned how to use direct object pronouns and watched some of the film Joyeux Noël.

Handouts/Class Materials:  Direct Objects

A Faire:  pg 215 #2 (orally in partners)

TEC: pg 216 #3

Devoirs pg 217 #4, backside of direct object handout—rewrite the story using direct object pronouns!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Lundi 03/02

We did some review of que, did a short reading and discussed the new verb “connaître” (pg 214).

A Faire:  pg 312 #8 (do orally in partners)

TEC: pg 313 (la lecture).  Read the paragraphs and decide who bought which item, write a sentence in French explaining that.  Also, for each qui/que (as connectors/relative pronouns), write what they are referring to (the antecedent).   Elle va dans un magasin qui vend des livres, des souvenirs,etc… qui – un magasin.

Devoirs : pg 215 #1 (reconnaître is the cousin of connaître!), pg 311 #7