Friday, December 19, 2014

Vendredi 19/12

Today we did some speaking practice and then continued the film “Joyeux Noël.”

Devoirs :  Write an introduction letter to a new pen pal in the Congo.  Give them an overview of who you are and what your life is like. Consider: likes, activities, family, friends, where you live, leisure time, school, etc.  1 page minimum (this is a great way to review basics in preparation for your big written exam coming in January).  Know the following vocabulary:  body parts, all reflexives we’ve covered and toiletry items (vocab quiz the week we get back!)


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mercredi 17/12

Today we shared our daily routines in partners and gave each other feedback.  Then we started a film called” “Joyeux Noël”

Devoirs :  Revise “routine quotidienne” for turn in neatly written/typed. (when do you wake/get up?  What do you do to get ready?  What routines do have before bed?  8 sentences minimum and must use at least 5 reflexives! Present tense (habitual, still happening daily) and definite articles with body parts!), study/take notes over verbs pg 284 and do #1, complete your participation rubric (must explain if you give yourself anything other than a + “always demonstrates”, consider your practices for the months of October and November!)

Lundi 15/12

Today we had a substitute.  We practiced body parts and verbs by playing “Jacques a dit” (Simon says) and read a short story (pg 280-281) out loud in groups and discussed the content.

A Faire :  Look at pg 259 #4, write 5 more commands for “Jacques a dit”.

Devoirs :  pg 259 #5 (write whole sentence), “Ta routine quotidienne”: write daily routine: when do you wake/get up?  What do you do to get ready?  What routines do have before bed?  8 sentences minimum and must use at least 5 reflexives! Present tense (habitual, still happening daily) and definite articles with body parts!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Vendredi 12/12

Today we practiced reflexives, talked about body parts and using the definite article in French, discussed sports and shared out the homework.  We also took a quiz.

A Faire : pg 274 #1

Devoirs :  Study pg 278, do pg 279 #8 & #9

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Mercredi 10/12

Today in class we did a survey of the class using se réveiller/se lever and se coucher, brainstormed body parts and learned/practiced ways to describe being healthy. 

A Faire :  Do a survey of 10 people and find out what time the get up and go to bed (in general).  Write sentences explaining your findings.

TEC Label the body parts on the handout (you may have to draw some in!)

Devoirs :  Finish any in-class work, pg 260 #6 (answers only), study/take notes pg 256, do pg 257 #3 (complete sentences).  Study for passé compose/imparfait quiz Friday!!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Lundi 08/12

Today we recounted our weekends and did some reflexive practice.

A Faire :  pg 277 #7. Write the question and answer “starters” so that you can fill them in with the specifics (below the pics) in your conversations with your partner.  The idea is you get lots of practice with these verbs!!

Devoirs :  pg 277 #5 (complete sentences), study  passé compose and imparfait (formation/usage) for quiz this week!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Vendredi 05/12

Today we continued learning about reflexive verbs, including infinitive construction and practiced telling about an event by describing an image.

A Faire : pg 287 #7 (make sure pronoun matches subject !!)

TEC :  Qu’est-ce qu’il y a eu? (see image-cliquez ici !)
Décrivez la scène !  8 phrases minimums. 
*travaillez tout(e) seul(e) ou avec un partenaire
Incluez :  Les mot de transition (d’abord, puis, enfin, etc.), circumstances/background info, actions/main events, et où vous êtes dans la scène !!
Considérez :  Where were you? What was going on when it happened? What happened?  What did people do?  What did you do?

Devoirs :  pg 287 #9 (infinitive construction, make sure pronoun matches) pg 277 #6 (replace underlined portion with reflexive equivalent and rewrite sentence. Make sure pronoun and conjugation are correct!)  Study passé compose et imparfait—quiz next week!  Revise and be ready to share TEC from today.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mercredi 03/12:

Today in class we discussed possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes, etc.), the guided dialogue from the homework, and learned about reflexive verbs.

A Faire :  pg 276 #2 (Attention:  use a different one of the 7 verbs in the yellow box below in each sentence, you will need to use 1 twice.)

TEC Read « le jour de Thanksgiving de Mme. Reid » out loud and try to identify the meaning of the reflexive verbs listed on the back (also underlined in the text) by using the context only (no dictionary or wordreference!)

Devoirs :  Revise « dialogue dirigé », pg 267 #3 (must write at least subject/reflexive pronoun/verb but should write whole sentence.) and #4 (read the context and decide if the person “se reposer” or not)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Lundi 01/12

Today we practiced talking about what we ate for Thanksgiving and shared about Thanksgiving weekend.  We also turned in the Thanksgiving journals.

A Faire :  Take notes over the PowerPoint and answer the following questions in complete sentences and with at least 3 vocab words in each:  “Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger?”  “Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas/détestes manger?”

Devoirs :  Dialogue Dirigé :  write out the guided dialogue in French.  Pay close attention to tenses and vocabulary !

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Mercredi 26/11

Today in class we went over some of the homework assignments from the packet and practiced them orally.  We looked at an example of how to retell about an event and played Pictionary.

Devoirs : quoi de neuf packet pg 6 #4 (rewrite in past), Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé pendant les vacances de Thanksgiving ? Write a journal of 20 phrases telling about your T-day or the long weekend.  Use a variety of verbs, vocab and sentences (try to get away from short and simple ones!), imparfait/pc, transition words (first, then, after, finally—see packet!), and do it neatly written/typed to turn in Monday.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Lundi 24/11

Today we discussed our weekends and practiced past tense.  We also had a pop quiz.

Devoirs :  Paquet pg 5 #3 (write question in passé compose and answer in imparfait)

Friday, November 21, 2014

Vendredi 21/11

Today we wrote some weather reports, went over the vocabulary on the front page of the packet, did some speaking practice and worked on/presented mini-dialogues about weather.

A Faire :  PowerPoint :  La météo prédit…  Choose 3 cities in France with different weather and write a short (3-4 sentences) weather report.  Try to use a variety of vocabulary.  Discuss the US weather map orally.

Devoirs :  Study pg 4 (paquet) and do #1 (put in correct form of past and combine sentences with « parce que »), do pg 5 #2 (rewrite the paragraph with the correct information !).  Pop Quiz next week over current vocab and structures!  Do your homework!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mercredi 19/11

Today we did some practice with clothing and weather vocabulary (du nouveau paquet!)

A FairePowerPoint :  Qu'est-ce qui arrive?.  Describe the weather in the images using as much of the vocab as possible (particularly the new stuff !)

Travail en Classe Paquet: Quoi de Neuf #4 (en partenaire) Start preparing a dialogue to present in class on Friday

DevoirsPaquet: Quoi de Neuf #1 « Journalisme : le magazine de RADAR » (phrases complètes and utiliser une variété de verbes : arriver, se passer, avoir lieu), #3 « Une question de temps » (completez les phrases, describe the weather or the moment in the day you would do those things.)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Lundi 03/11

Today we discussed our weekends and practiced using ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)

Handouts Paquet: Quoi de Neuf

Devoirs :  Take notes over the 1st page of packet (bring any questions you have about vocab to class), do 8 visual dictionary entries for weather vocab on the back of 1st page in packet (choose words that are new/difficult) each entry must have an image and the term underlined and used in a sentence. NO English!  Revise l’Ecusson writing for possible extra points (Due Wednesday!)

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Vendredi 14/11

Today Mme. Pallier led some oral practice with clothing vocab while I did oral interviews.

Devoirs :  mini-projet des vêtements (design an outfit/make image in color/write description to turn in!…see criteria here), Take notes pg 356 B, pg 357 #2

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mercredi 05/11

Today we went over some of the clothing vocabulary orally and practiced describing outfits with color and patterns. I continued oral interviews.
Handouts : PowerPoint: Les vetements1
A Faire : Describe the 6 men's outfits on the last slide of PowerPoint in detai. Turn in!
Travail en Classe: Paquet: C'est la vie (Turn in!)
Devoirs : use vocab pg 351 to do pg 352 #11 and pg 352 #12 (bring questions/trouble spots to class next time!)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Vendredi 07/11

Today we continued some independent work with clothing vocab and Mme. Reid did oral interviews
Travail en Classe:  Finish leçon 25 packet (turn in!), Start “C’est la vie” packet

Devoirs :  pg 350 #8, take notes pg 351, pg 352 #9 (complete sentences, answer all questions!!)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mercredi 05/11

Today we did some independent work on clothing/accessories while Mme. Reid conducted oral interviews.

A Faire :  Handout (front only, answer in complete sentences in the past!)

Travail en Classe Paquet: Leçon 25 (first page front and back), start mini-projet if time !

Devoirs :  Practice for interviews ! Pg. 350 #5 (what was she wearing—imparfait !) & #6 (list all that apply in a complete sentence)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Lundi 03/11

Today we did our sing off and practiced for oral interviews (starting Wednesday at random though I will take volunteers to start!)

Devoirs :  prepare oral interview, take notes pg 348 and do #3

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mercredi 29/10

Today we practiced projects and questions for oral interviews.  We also finished our reading of “La Maison Hantée”.

Travail en Classe:  Read part C & D of la Maison Hantée out loud, keep track of plot notes and vocab you look up, do Avez-vous compris questions. 

Devoirs :  Finish “La Maison Hantée” and accompanying activities, l’art de la lecture & activities pg 341, study/take notes pg 346-347, do #1 (make sentences using aller + mettre) and #2 (instead of using vous for each, change it to a different subject pronoun each time and use the present tense of mettre to write the sentence.  Make sure you turn in your pg 332 #7 ASAP!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Lundi 27/10

Today we practiced talking about our weekends using passé composé and imparfait, practiced projects and discussed how to prepare for oral interviews (starting next Monday!!)

Handouts:  Ecusson Questions

Devoirs :  Read part C of la Maison Hantée out loud, keep track of plot notes and vocab you look up, do Avez-vous compris questions.  Come up with 2 more sets of events/actions that we could plug into 332 #7 (write out dialogue for it—TO TURN IN!!), Practice projects (should be using only visual by now!)  

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Vendredi 24/10

Today we had a substitute.  We practiced projects, did some reading in groups in class, did some imparfait/passe compose practice and listened to our song.

A Faire :  pg 332 #7 (write only the sentences that change in each conversation, do orally in partners)

Travail en Classe:  Maison Hantée reading pg 336  (do only parts A & B and Avez-vous compris? questions in complete sentences)  Work in partners or group of 3 (NO MORE THAN 3!), read out loud, keep notes in English about plot and keep track of any words you look up!

Devoirs :  pg 333 #1 (read directions carefully!), come up with 2 more sets of events/actions that we could plug into 332 #7 (write out dialogue for it—TO TURN IN!!), Practice projects (should be using only visual by Monday!)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mercredi 22/10

Today we practiced projects, went over some homework and did a short reading in class.  We also started looking in depth at our song, Michele.  Sing off dans une semaine (mercredi prochain!)

Travail en Classe:  Read pages 324-325 outloud in partners. As you read and discuss meaning, note whether verbs are in passe compose or passe compose and why.  Discuss the vrai/faux questions

Devoirs pg 333 #8 (answer in complete sentences and with details when possible), lecture pg 334-335 for understanding (consider verb tenses), complete "cognate pattern" at the end of the reading.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lundi 20/10:

Today we shared about our weekend, did some oral practice with passé composé and imparfait, and went over the A Faire from Friday.

A Fairepg 331 #3 (write answer parts of dialogue and then do orally with a partner!)

Devoirs :  pg 331 #4, pg 332 #6, PRACTICE PROJECT!!!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Vendredi 17/10

Today in class we took time to practice projects orally (really focus on understanding what you’re saying and using the visual as a cue—not memorizing word for word!).  We reviewed the imparfait and then did some comparing of imparfait and passé compose.
                        Imparfait                                                         Passé Composé
-habitual actions conditions—used to do/be
-progressive actions (that were in progress)—was going on/were doing  
-conditions and circumstances that form background of another past action
-specific events—took place/happened
-specific actions at a specific time—took place/did
-well defined action that took place at a specific moment (mention of time may be omitted)

A Faire :  pg 328-329 #1—write out the correct answer to each question and then choose a reason from the box above to justify your answer.

Devoirs :  pg 330 #2 (say where the people didn’t go in passé compose and what they didn’t do—in parentheses—in imparfait!)  Read pg 324-325 again or for first time if you haven’t already (make sure you understand it because we will be doing some analysis of verbs when you come to class Monday) do V/F questions too!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mercredi 15/10

Today we had a work/game day.  (Post PSAT)

Devoirs :  visual completed, practice project (come with a copy of writing and your visual for practice in class), pg 323 #4 (write a praragraph of 10 sentences describing what was going on (imparfait) last night at 6pm)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Lundi 13/10

Today we shared about our weekend, listened and sang along to our song “Michèle”, discussed project visuals and expectations for the next week, did some in-class reading.

Devoirs :  visual for the project, start practicing project (make sure you have your own copy in class for practice!), review pg 316-317, do pg 322 #10 (write what was going on—imparfait!!)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Mercredi 08/10

Today in class we did our peer edit and had some work time.  We also discussed the visual element of the project and talked about some common errors students make in writing.

Devoirs :  Read pg 324-325 (note if verb is in PC/IMP and what it means, answer V/F questions.  Final draft of your essay about your partner (about 1 page typed, single-1.5 spaced is due Monday). Start working on your visual (due WED!)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Lundi 06/10

Today we shared about our weekend and then did a peer-edit of the rough drafts (2 parts/2 complete paragraphs).

Handouts :  Physical description/adjectives, Correction codes/transition words, Writing rubric, Peer-edit checklist

Devoirs :  2 complete paragraph drafts of the remaining 2 sections* (double spaced, include everything you have for those sections, 6 sentences minimum each and read through it/edit before coming to class!) *If you intend to write the 5th section, have it in class as well for editing!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Vendredi 03/10

Today in class we reviewed physical descriptions, had some interview time, did participation grades, talked about some writing strategies and listened to our chanson, Michèle.

Handouts :  Syllabus

Devoirs :  2 complete paragraph drafts of 2 sections (double spaced, include everything you have for those sections, 6 sentences minimum each and read through it/edit before coming Monday!), Be ready to share riddle, Read pg 132-133 (keep track of vocab you look up, answer questions (v/f), and try to figure out the transition words (for retelling a sequence of events) “first”, “then”, “after”, and “finally” from the reading)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Back to School Night

Merci d’être venu!  Thanks for coming !

Here are links to the resources I shared with you:

Syllabus                      Ways to do well in a Language Class

Linguafolio                 French Class Commitments for Success

Your support is so important!  Please encourage your resident Frenchie to practice as much as possible and ask him/her about what we’re doing in French class!

Want to support French at Grant??  See the tab “Support French at Grant” on my website (

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Mercredi 01/10

Today in class we reviewed some questions and adjectives.  Then we had about 35min of interview time.

A FaireAdjective packet #3 (front page—decide whether the adjective comes before or after the noun and make the appropriate agreement!)

Devoirs :  pg 130 #7 (passé compose!), write a riddle of 5-6 sentences about a well-known person using adjectives to describe him/her.  Start with less obvious sentences and move toward more obvious ones.  FYI:  1st rough draft of 2 sections of the project due Monday!!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Lundi 29/09

Today we shared about our weekend and the homework (#6B) in partners, did a listening activity, and began interviews of our partners for the project.

Handouts :  Adjective packet

Devoirs :  Adjective packet #4 & #5 (make sure you understand this!! See pages 40-50 in book), be prepared to continue your interview (organize your questions around the 5 sections!!)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Vendredi 26/09

Today we  did a listening activity and some practice with the “Vandertramps”,  took the etre/avoir quiz, and reviewed formulating questions (for the interview project)

A FaireWrite out all “Vandertramps” from memory, paquet #2 (write PC sentences using pictures to describe what the man did at various times—use your best judgement on the interpretation of the images!)

Devoirs :  Paquet #6B—6 phrases minimum!, Paquet #2 (front page, Langue et Communication—use the present tense of « partir » to write out the times people are leaving.)  Organize/prepare your questions by category and be ready to start interviewing in class Monday!
Beginning of year survey: Cliquez ici/Click here!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mercredi 24/09

Today in class we reviewed the big 4 irregular verbs (être, avoir, faire, aller), went over some homework, and started preparing for our project “l’Ecusson”

A Faire:  Write your answers to the following questions using the verb in parentheses !
-En général, es-tu a l’heure/en avance/en retard ?  (être)
-Quels activités fais-tu ? (faire)
-As-tu faim ?  soif ?  (avoir)
-Quelles sont deux de tes résolutions de la nouvelle année scolaire? (aller) (New school year resolutions)   Ex : (these are mine)  Je vais corriger les papiers plus vite que l’année dernière, Je vais faire plus d’activités d’écoute en classe.

Handouts :  l’Ecusson

Devoirs :  study for être/avoir quiz (know which verbs go with avoir/être au passé composé), have a minimum of 20 questions for the interview and organize them by topic/project category, packet exercise #4 (for each scenario, number the order in which things happened—soyez logique! and write the sentences on the line next to it—passé composé)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Lundi 22/09

Today in class we practiced “il y a”, discussed our weekends and the results of the survey.  We also reviewed the “big 4” (être, avoir, faire, aller…and venir!)

A FaireFaire, venir, avoir ou être (choose which fits the meaning of the sentence and conjugate accordingly!)

Devoirs :  être/avoir quiz Friday (know which verbs go with e\être and which with avoir in passé composé!), pg 67 #3 (complete sentences!), Leçon 8 packet #6A (“A” ONLY—choose 2 of the pictures and answer the 6 bulleted questions about each.  You may need to infer some info based on the pics!)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Vendredi 19/09

Today we reviewed “il y a” and le passé composé (we went over sondage).  Did a survey in class and we took a vocab quiz.  We also discussed our upcoming project; you will interview a partner about these areas:  personal/school life, dreams/future plans, favorite past vacations, family/friends, and likes/dislikes. I will fill you in more next week!

A FaireRevise “Sondage” questions and answers

Devoirs :  Write 15 questions you could use to interview a partner for the upcoming project, write 10 sentences (5 aff/5 neg) about the survey you took in class (say who did/didn’t do the activities and use a variety of them!), Leçon 8 packet #1 (present tense practice of sortir/partir/dormer) and #3 (ATTENTION: letter is written by Hélène, so all “vandertramps” in the “je” form must agree with her!)  Practice!!! (duh!)

Have you done the beginning of the year survey yet?? You are getting points for it!  Cliquez ici!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mercredi 17/09

Today we went over the homework through a group activity, learned a new way to use the expression “il y a” and listened to our song.

A FaireLeçon 8 packet #5 (p. 72)

Handouts :  Sondage, Leçon 8 packet

Devoirs :  Prepare the questions for the activities given in the sondage and your answers (on the back) to those questions saying whether you’ve done it (at any point in the past.) livre p. 131 #10, study regular ER/IR/RE verb lists (for meaning)—VOCAB QUIZ VENDREDI!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lundi 15/09

Today in class we discussed the questions personnelles from the homework (p. 126 #1) and went over p. 106 #3.  We took a pop quiz and listened to our song, Michèle.

Devoirs :  Study ER/IR/RE  and big 4 (etre/avoir/faire/aller) conjugations, study ER/IR/RE verb vocabulary (vocab quiz FRIDAY!), p. 129 #4 (soyez logique!)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Vendredi 12/09

Today in class we reviewed aller + infinitive and vandertramp verbs for passé composé, did a speaking activity with our new French names and the passé composé, learned the verbs partir/sortir/dormir (past/present) and listened to our chanson, Michèle.

A Fairep. 127 #2

Handouts :  Reg. verb vocab list

Devoirs :  pg 106 #3 (write out for each person and each time of day), pg 126 #1 (Present/future/past of the verbs so pay close attention!  Answer all questions asked in complete sentences!), study ER/IR/RE verb meanings (vocab quiz coming very soon!), Beginning of year survey (see previous post for link!), PRACTICE!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mercredi 10/09

Today in class we reviewed the passé composé, discussed the homework (pg 35 #4) in small groups and shared responses, and chose French names/new identities and started making name tags.  We also reviewed binder/cahier organization.

Critère de porte-nom (nametag) : écrivez le nom (lisiblement), décorez avec votre couleur préférée, images de 2 activités préférées, et 1 image différente qui te représente (represents you !)

Devoirs :  get supplies/set up binder, finish porte-nom, Beginning of year survey (Cliquez ici!), lpg 107 #7 (Soyez logique—say whether the people did/didn’t do the things listed), PRACTICE OUTLOUD!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Lundi 08/09

Bienvenue au blog de français 5-6 de l’année 2014-2015!
Today in class we reviewed identity questions, checked out books from the library, and listened to our new song “Michele”

Handouts :  Michèle

Devoirs :  practice all vocab/question lists we’ve been reviewing out loud, study/review p. 32-34, do pg 35 #4 (à phrases complètes!)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Jeudi 05/06

Attention 1st period:  Please look through your papers and see if you accidentally walked away with my grade sheet packet!

Today we took the final exam.

Handouts/Class Materials  crosswords

Devoirs:  crosswords, reflection on your year as a French student

Reflection criteria:
Reflect on your year as a French student…
-Typed, minimum 1 page
-What were your strengths/weaknesses?
-What could/would you do to improve?
-What did you learn about yourself?  What did you learn in/about French?
-What activities did you like/benefit from the most?  The least?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Mardi 03/06

Today we reviewed object pronouns (direct, indirect, y & en) in all tenses.  Then we watched the fairy tale presentations.

Handouts/Class Materials : Final Review Packet

Devoirs Last review packet (all exercises except #3 on the back of the 2nd page !), study for the final this Thursday!!


Monday, June 2, 2014

Lundi 02/06

Today we practiced some reflexives and reviewed qui/que.  Then we worked on les biopoèmes.

A Faire:  Write your own biopoème (see handouts) and use the adjective “tout” somewhere in it!

Handouts/Class Materials :   livre de grammaire pages, biopoème guidelines

DevoirsContes de fées presentations (start tomorrow !), finish biopoème on separate sheet of paper and be ready to turn in !, study for final (Do livre de grammaire pages for tomorrow if you’d like to use a notecard on the final exam!!)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Jeudi 29/05

Today we corrected quizzes and played “Loto” to review some verb vocabulary.

Handouts/Class Materials :   Savoir/Connaître handout

Devoirs:  Contes de fées presentations (3 juin)!!  Paquet pg 65 #7 and 69 #2, Savoir/Connaître handout.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mardi 27/05

Today we reviewed some “si” and “quand” clauses with the future and conditional, then took a quiz.

Devoirs:  Contes de fées presentations (3 juin)!! Study for final (5 juin)!!  Paquet pg 72 #6 A (choose 2 pics and describe with 6 sentences each!!) and B (6 sentences!) *18 sentences total!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Jeudi 22/05

Today discussed the adjective “tout”, reviewed the passé composé avec être, did some “contes de fées” project planning in groups, and watched “Le Petit Chaperon Rouge.

A Faire:  pg 180 #7

Devoirs:  practice fairy tale scripts (presentations start 3 juin!), study for quiz (TUE!) and final, PC packet pg 70 #3 (lettre d’Hélène) and pg 71 #4 (l’ordre logique).

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mardi 20/05

Today we reviewed the passé composé and worked in groups to complete the final revisions of les contes de fées.

A Faire: PC paquet #2

Devoirs:  final draft of contes de fées (1 copy for me and 1 for each in group, remember to include all required criteria !!)  PC packet #3, #6