Friday, December 20, 2013

Semaine de 16/12-20/12

Lundi 16/12 :  Today, with a substitute, we reviewed body parts and talking about aches/pains.

A Faire:  pg 261 #8 (write where you hurt and why, then do orally in partners)

Devoirs: pg 260 #7 (answer all questions in complete sentences)

Mardi 17/12:  Today, again with a substitute, we worked on the commercial scripts (project) in partners to be turned in by Wednesday at lunch (if not at the end of class) and went over some of the homework/vocabulary.

Devoirs :  Script if not done!   Study/take notes pg 256, do pg 257 #1

Jeudi 19/12: Today we watched the movie, Joyeux Noël and did some activities based on it.

Devoirs : Choose a famous French person who is DEAD to do research on and to write about (make sure there is information about your person out there…it’s difficult to do research with no resources!)  Read examples of previous students’ work on project.  Pay close attention to content and verb tenses.  Write a paragraph summary in English of each one.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Jeudi 12/12

Today we reviewed body parts, started some health vocabulary and took a quiz.
Devoirs : Study/take notes pg 260, pg 260 #6, write a “Jacques a dit” game (with the option of doing it in class!)  Must include 10 different body parts, 15 commands/rounds, make it increasingly difficult.

Reminder:  I will not be available in Tutorial on Tuesday!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mardi 10/12

Today we read an example (project) product description, did some revision of descriptions, and started learning body parts.

Devoirs :  Quiz on Thursday--Study!!  Know body parts on handout, pg 259 #5 (complete sentences, revised (3rd)/rough draft (1st) of product description
Consider using testimonials in your product description!  It’s a fun and different way to talk about your product!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Lundi 09/12

Today we read Madame Reid’s vacation journal and students made some revisions to their own (particularly verbs!)  We also went over the weekend homework (handout) because it seemed that many students struggled with it.

A Faire:  With your “journal de Thanksgiving”...
1) star all reflexive verbs         2) circle all toiletry items         3) underline all conjugated verbs
4)  check verb forms/constructions, make any necessary revisions  5) check other vocab/grammar

Devoirs:  Finish revising Thanksgiving journal, rewrite it double spaced and have it to turn in.  Correct reflexive handout exercises #3 & #4.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Jeudi 05/12

Today we reviewed irregular adjectives and had work time on the project (turned in product overview paragraph at the end of the period).

A Faire:  pg 358 #4

Devoirs : pg 357 #3 (must rewrite sentence with each new noun in parentheses and make neccessary adjective agreements), backside of handout #3 & #4 (passé composé!)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mardi 03/12

Today we went over our “sondage” questions then asked them to classmates.  We also started a new project (advertising campaign for a toiletry item).  We had a substantial work time for this in class.

Devoirs :  front page (#1, #2) on reflexive handout, work on script/product overview, study for quiz.

Attention 1st period:  instead of a rough draft of your script for Thursday, I want you to turn in the rough draft of your product description/overview (a paragraph describing your product in all it’s glory!)  The script will come later.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Lundi 02/12

Today we started questions for a survey we will do tomorrow in class.  We also learned the conjugations of the verb “conduire” (see pg 458).

A Faire:  Write questions and your answers to survey (so you are prepared for next class !)

Devoirs:  Finish survey questions/answers, write sentences using different conjugations of « conduire » (6 total), think of product ideas for project, begin studying for quiz (next Thur !)