Monday, September 30, 2013

Lundi 30/09

 Today we continued the use of déjà and extended the vocabulary to include “pas encore” (not yet) too.  We also reviewed some passé composé with a game.

Devoirs:  Post your question (s) and the response you got from Florence on the Google doc for your class:                     Période1                    Période 3

Friday, September 27, 2013

Jeudi 26/09

Today we learned how to use “deja” and “ne…jamais”, went over the questions for the sondage (from devoirs), and finished asking questions for “la presse”.

A Faire:  pg 109 #12 (write question, response, and follow up question)  We will do orally on Monday.

Devoirs :  pg 117 #3 (write out for each verb in parentheses), Memorize « vandertrampps » for quiz coming soon !

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Mardi 24/09:

Today in class we reviewed the imparfait, making questions and started asking Florence questions for the activity “La Presse”.  We did several speaking activities in class using pg 60 #8.

A Faire:  Réécris pg 60 #8 à l’imparfait (imagine qu’on parle des années du collège—pas l’université !

Handouts :  Sondage (vandertrampps)

Devoirs :  prepare questions and answers for sondage jeudi (au passé compose avec les “vandertrampps”!)

Annonces:  International Club welcome lunch for exchange students this Thursday in my room!  Bring your lunch and come meet and greet!  Dessert will be provided:)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Lundi 23/09

Today we reviewed regular verbs with a game and how to make questions.  We did pg 129 #6 orally in partners.

Devoirs:  Revise questions for "La Presse" (Entretien avec Florence) and be prepared to ask in class Tuesday (have at least 10!) Pg 60 #8 (write questions in present tense using interrogative expressions—question words—and answer them as well!)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Jeudi 19/09

Today we practiced more passé composé avec être, made nametags with our new French names (et 3 choses que tu aimes) and played a game (1st: La Presse, 3rd: Cluedo).

A Faire:  pg 129 #5 à phrases complètes!)

Devoirs :  pg 129 #6 (la question et ta réponse!), finish nametag, write 10 questions you could ask in an interview to discover more about “la vie française” (imagine you are a journalist)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mardi 17/09

Today we learned how to express "this/that", "these/those" and "which" using demonstrative and interrogative adjectives.  Then we reviewed the passé composé avec avoir and learned the 17 verbs that go with être.

Handouts:  passé composé graphic organizer, adjectives (possessive/demonstrative)

A Faire:  pg 17 #13   Write the demonstrative and interrogative adjective for each object then play out the mini-dialogues with a partner (orally)

TEC:  pg 128 #3

Devoirs:  pg 129 #4

Monday, September 16, 2013

lundi 16/09

Today in class we reviewed possessive adjectives (see pg R7 in book) and talked about the weekend using l'imparfait.

A Faire:  Pg 17 #2

Devoirs:  Finish defining verbs in packet.  Choose 10 verbs that are totally new to you and use them in a complete sentence (present tense!)

*French Travel Club meeting this Wednesday @ lunch!