Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jeudi 28/02\Vendredi 01/03

Today in class we reviewed connaître/savoir, some recent verbs, and object pronouns.  We did some short dialogues and read histoire #1 (Le Tailleur Futé).  We also started a new song.

A Faire:  Savoir/Connaître translations:
  1.  I don’t know the date today.             
  2.  We know his dad. 
  3. Does he know Claire?  
  4. They don’t know how to swim. 
  5.  She doesn’t know #5.
  6. Y’all know how to sing in French!      
Travail en Classe (TEC):  Dialogues (students were assigned either #1 or #2)

Devoirs:  Come up with a discussion question that requires a direct/indirect object pronoun in the answer and post it to the Google Presentation: Questions à Discuter. More specific directions are in the presentation.  Savoir/Connaître handout.

QUIZ NEXT WEEK!!! REVIEW:  PC/Imparfait, Direct/Indirect object pronouns, qui/que, dire, lire, écrire, vivre, verbs pg 220, vocab pg 225, culture (Mardi Gras/Carnaval, crêpes)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mardi 26/02\Mercredi 27/02

Today we reviewed placement of object pronouns and practiced using both direct and indirect ones.  We discussed some of the strategies students use to read in both English/French and began reading some short African tales in small groups in class. 

A Faire:  Paquet Lecon 16 #3

Handouts (click on link):  Histoires d’Origine Africaine

Devoirs:  Paquet Lecon 16 #4, #7

Monday, February 25, 2013

Lundi 25/02

Today in class we reviewed direct/indirect object pronouns through questions and the rewritten “Pauline” story.  We turned in calendars (I will only accept these until 8am Friday).

A Faire:  Leçon 16 packet #1 & #2

Handouts (click on link):  Leçon 16 Packet

Devoirs:  Read paragraph “Carnaval à Québec” pg 243, keep track of what strategies you use to help you understand/read the French. Bring 3 strategies to class.  Write short summary in English to check comprehension.  Do pg 227 #5 (answer all questions!)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Extra Credit Opportunity

Extra Credit Opportunity:  Make a small poster (8 ½ x 11) to celebrate black history in the French speaking world.

Choose a famous/important black French speaker and research his/her life and accomplishments.  Make a poster to present your findings.  In order to receive extra credit, your poster MUST include:
1. a title (name and claim to fame)
2. 2 short paragraphs in FRENCH about his/her life, where from in French speaking world, why famous/important
3. Minimum of 2 pictures of person and/or accomplishments. 
Make an effort to create a poster that is visually appealing (through color, décor, supplementary pictures, design, etc…).  Must turn in a hard copy!

Deadline:  FRIDAY, MARCH 1ST

Click here for examples:  In French, In English (not in color, unfortunately:()

Jeudi 21/01\Vendredi 22/01

Today in class we reviewed dire/lire/écrire and we started learning about indirect object pronouns.  We did a News in Slow French at the end of the period.

A Faire:  pg 225 #1

Handouts (click on link):  Indirect Objects

Devoirs:  Pg 227 #4, Rewrite “Pauline” story in cahier using indirect object pronouns

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mardi 19/01\Mercredi 20/01

Today we reviewed connaître/savoir using a PowerPoint to express who/what we know and what we know how to do.  We discussed 3 irregular verbs: lire, dire, and écrire. 

A Faire:  pg 225 #2

Devoirs:  pg 225 #3

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Famous Person Make-up Presentation

If you were unable to participate in the Living Dead Museum due to an EXCUSED absence, you have the following 2 options to make up your oral presentation:
1.  You can come present this Thursday (2/21) at lunch with other students in a format very similar to what we did in class.
2.  You can present to your class.  (Must happen within 1 week of 1st class after President's Day weekend and is solely your responsibility to schedule it with me.)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Jeudi 14/01\Vendredi 15/01

Joyeux Saint Valentin!
Today in class we compared connaitre/savoir, practiced projects and presented them in our living dead museum.

A Faire:  pg 231 #13

Devoirs:  Pg 231 #12 (answer only) and #14

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mardi 12/01\Mercredi 13/01

Today we discussed the significance of Mardi Gras, reviewed how to make crêpes and then nous avons fait la fête (We partied)!  PRESENTATIONS ARE THURSDAY/FRIDAY.  ALL STUDENTS MUST BE PRESENT! 

Devoirs:  Study/take notes over pg 230, do pg 230 #11, Bring anything that will enhance your presentation (costume, artifacts, etc…)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Lundi 11/02

Today in class we discussed one of the two verbs for “to know” in French, connaître (see pg 214 in book for notes).  We also started a reading about Mardi Gras/Carnaval in class (finish as homework).
A Faire:  PG 215 #1

Handouts (click on link):  Mardi Gras et Carnaval reading

Devoirs:  Finish reading about Mardi Gras/Carnaval, write at least ½ page summary in English about what you understood from reading, practice project


Friday, February 8, 2013

Jeudi 07/01\Vendredi 08/01

Today in class we practiced object pronouns and past participle agreements, did devoirs (pg 219 #9) orally in partners, did a reading, and listened to a News in Slow French story on immigration.

A Faire:  read pg 221 and answer vrai/faux questions, keep list of difficult words/structures, add a 3rd goal to goal sheet specific to writing French (use feedback on and experience from last project as inspiration)

Devoirs:  Practice project, pg 220 #11

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mardi 05/01\Mercredi 06/01

Today we learned that in the passé composé, when avoir is the helper verb, past participles must agree with the DIRECT OBJECT.  This agreement can change the pronunciation of the past participle (i.e. prise, mises, écrite).  We also talked about the project presentation format and practiced projects.  PRESENTATIONS ARE NEXT THURSDAY/FRIDAY.  ALL STUDENTS MUST BE PRESENT!

A Faire:  Pg 219 #10, write questions and answers, do orally with a partner

Devoirs:  pg 219 #9 (answers only), practice project, bring pronunciation questions (from project) to class with you!  Bring project/visual every day for in-class practice!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Lundi 04/02

Today in class we discussed 4 new conjunctions to link phrases together for more complex sentence structure and used them in context with PC/IMP to express what was going on when something else (an action) happened.

A Faire:  Quoi de Neuf packet (old) pg 7 #7, reflect on qtr 2 goals, write 2 new qtr 3 goals

Devoirs:  packet pg 8 #9, bring project/visual every day for in-class practice