Friday, December 20, 2013

Semaine de 16/12-20/12

Lundi 16/12 :  Today, with a substitute, we reviewed body parts and talking about aches/pains.

A Faire:  pg 261 #8 (write where you hurt and why, then do orally in partners)

Devoirs: pg 260 #7 (answer all questions in complete sentences)

Mardi 17/12:  Today, again with a substitute, we worked on the commercial scripts (project) in partners to be turned in by Wednesday at lunch (if not at the end of class) and went over some of the homework/vocabulary.

Devoirs :  Script if not done!   Study/take notes pg 256, do pg 257 #1

Jeudi 19/12: Today we watched the movie, Joyeux Noël and did some activities based on it.

Devoirs : Choose a famous French person who is DEAD to do research on and to write about (make sure there is information about your person out there…it’s difficult to do research with no resources!)  Read examples of previous students’ work on project.  Pay close attention to content and verb tenses.  Write a paragraph summary in English of each one.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Jeudi 12/12

Today we reviewed body parts, started some health vocabulary and took a quiz.
Devoirs : Study/take notes pg 260, pg 260 #6, write a “Jacques a dit” game (with the option of doing it in class!)  Must include 10 different body parts, 15 commands/rounds, make it increasingly difficult.

Reminder:  I will not be available in Tutorial on Tuesday!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mardi 10/12

Today we read an example (project) product description, did some revision of descriptions, and started learning body parts.

Devoirs :  Quiz on Thursday--Study!!  Know body parts on handout, pg 259 #5 (complete sentences, revised (3rd)/rough draft (1st) of product description
Consider using testimonials in your product description!  It’s a fun and different way to talk about your product!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Lundi 09/12

Today we read Madame Reid’s vacation journal and students made some revisions to their own (particularly verbs!)  We also went over the weekend homework (handout) because it seemed that many students struggled with it.

A Faire:  With your “journal de Thanksgiving”...
1) star all reflexive verbs         2) circle all toiletry items         3) underline all conjugated verbs
4)  check verb forms/constructions, make any necessary revisions  5) check other vocab/grammar

Devoirs:  Finish revising Thanksgiving journal, rewrite it double spaced and have it to turn in.  Correct reflexive handout exercises #3 & #4.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Jeudi 05/12

Today we reviewed irregular adjectives and had work time on the project (turned in product overview paragraph at the end of the period).

A Faire:  pg 358 #4

Devoirs : pg 357 #3 (must rewrite sentence with each new noun in parentheses and make neccessary adjective agreements), backside of handout #3 & #4 (passé composé!)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mardi 03/12

Today we went over our “sondage” questions then asked them to classmates.  We also started a new project (advertising campaign for a toiletry item).  We had a substantial work time for this in class.

Devoirs :  front page (#1, #2) on reflexive handout, work on script/product overview, study for quiz.

Attention 1st period:  instead of a rough draft of your script for Thursday, I want you to turn in the rough draft of your product description/overview (a paragraph describing your product in all it’s glory!)  The script will come later.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Lundi 02/12

Today we started questions for a survey we will do tomorrow in class.  We also learned the conjugations of the verb “conduire” (see pg 458).

A Faire:  Write questions and your answers to survey (so you are prepared for next class !)

Devoirs:  Finish survey questions/answers, write sentences using different conjugations of « conduire » (6 total), think of product ideas for project, begin studying for quiz (next Thur !)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Jeudi 21/11

Today we reviewed the passé composé with reflexive verbs and practiced infinitive construction with them as well.  We read a short text (pg 288 #1) and did some oral/listening comprehension questions after.

A Faire:  pg 287 #7 (write out answers, then do questions/answers orally in partners)

TEC:  pg 288 reading/comprehension questions, pg 287 #9

Devoirs : Journal…choisissez un jour pendant les vacances et décrivez les événements de la journée (voir pg 288 #1),  Ecrivez 20 phrases, employez au moins 10 verbes réfléchis et 5 articles de toilette!  Keep your French going during the break so you don’t get too rusty…Practice out loud !  Watch French movies ! Listen to French music!

Bonnes Vacances!!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mardi 19/11

Today we reviewed les articles de toilettes, learned some new reflexive verbs and learned how to use reflexives in the passé composé.

A Faire:  Sondage…find out when 10 people get up in the morning and go to bed at night.

TEC:  pg 286 #6

Devoirs :  pg 286 #5, Répondez avec 5 phrases complètes: Qu’est-ce que tu as fait hier matin pour se préparer à l’école?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lundi 18/11

Today we reviewed using the imperative with reflexives and practiced using the verbs mettre/utiliser to talk about toiletry items.

A Faire:  Imagine que tu fais du babysitting pour tes voisins.  Leurs enfants ne vous écoutent pas bien et ils ne se préparent pas pour aller au lit.  Employez l’imperatif et dis-eux ce qu’ils doivent faire !  (8 phrases minimums, sois créatif !)

Devoirs: Complétez les phrases suivantes avec 5 phrases pour chacun. (Utilisez les articles de toilettes, mettre/utiliser, les verbes réfléchis, etc)
            Le matin pour se préparer à l’école, je…

            Le soir pour se préparer à aller au lit, je…

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Jeudi 14/11

Today we reviewed the imperative and learned how to apply it to reflexive verbs.

A Faire:  Sondage des camarades (pg 279 #9)

TECpg 285 #3

Devoirs :  pg 284 # 1, pg 285 #4, practice orally (order people around with your reflexives!)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mardi 12/11

Today we did a sondage in class using questions from the homework, practiced using reflexive verbs, reviewed prepositions of place and learned some new vocabulary for toiletry items

Handouts :  Preposition review handout
A Faire:  Sondage…Choose 2 questions from the board and ask them to 10 people.

Devoirs :  pg 279 #9, take notes/learn/memorize verbs in yellow box pg 284

Friday, November 8, 2013

Jeudi 07/11

Today we practiced using reflexive verbs in affirmative and negative constructions and learned/reviewed prepositions by playing a card game.

A Faire:  pg 276 #4 (using se reposer)

Devoirs :  pg 277 #5, #6, Practice French !!!

Mardi 05/11

Today in class we began working on reflexive verbs (for PowerPoint—cliquez ICI!).  We also did some oral practice with our “résidence idéale.”

A Faire:  Take notes and write a “je” sentence for each of the reflexive verbs in the PowerPoint.

TEC:  pg 276 #2, write what the guy at the end of the PowerPoint still needs to do (infinitive construction)!

Devoirs :  Write a sentence using each of the new reflexive verbs in the powerpoint, some house vocab, and varied subjects (not just “je”)

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Calendars accepted only until Wednesday!
Quiz corrections must be completed in tutorial!
Tardy detentions must be served by Wednesday or they double!
Turn in bathroom passes and extra credit coupons by Thursday!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Jeudi 31/10

Today we did reviewed prepositions of place, corrected our quizzes, and either played a card game or worked on la résidence idéale.

A Faire:  Write as many sentences as possible about the animals/basket using prepositions pg 15.

Devoirs :  Finish la résidence idéale, pg 303 #6 (à phrases complètes !)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mardi 29/10

Today in class we continued learning house vocab and talking about our own houses.  We also started a mini-project on “la résidence idéale.”  We peer edited pg 333 #1 as well.

Devoirs :  pg 303 #5 (choose any 4 rooms you like and describe in detail!), revise pg 333 #1 and be prepared to turn it in (neatly written or typed!)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Lundi 28/10

Today we looked at a PowerPoint to review vocabulary “de la maison” and to learn some new verbs and words as well.  We turned in tutorial videos.

Devoirs:  pg 302 #3

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Jeudi 24/10

Today we took our first quiz and then went over some house vocabulary (pg 301)

Devoirs :  Tutorial video due Monday!! (Turn in in file format; on a disc, USB, emailed attachment),  Pg 301 #2, take notes page 302-303  Remember to practice out loud 15min/day!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mardi 22/10

Today in class we reviewed demonstrative and interrogative adjectives (see pg R7) in preparation for the quiz.  We went over the homework and continued reading “La Maison Hantée” (see TEC from yesterday). 

A Faire:  demonstrative/interrogative adjective handout #3, #4

Devoirs:  Finish La Maison Hantée, rough draft of pg 333 #1 (with modified directions—see earlier post) ready for peer-edit, Review tutorial video due Monday!  Study for Quiz!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Lundi 21/10

Today we practiced ordinal numbers and started reading “La Maison Hantée,” out loud, in small groups.  All lesson plans and supplement materials were due today.

A Faire:  Complétez les phrases avec le nombre ordinal qui convient (fits).  Write the whole sentence !
modèle :  Mars est le _troisième_ mois de l’année.
1      1. Septembre est le _______________ mois de l’année.
     2. Mai est le ________________ mois de l’année.
     3. Mardi est le ______________ jour de la semaine.
     4. Vendredi est le ______________ jour de la semaine.
     5. George Washington est le ___________ président des États-Unis.
     6.  Abraham Lincoln est le _____________ président. (16th)
     7. Hawaii est le _______________ état admis aux É-U.  (50th)
     8Oregon est le ________________ état admis aux É-U. (33rd)
     9.  Michelle Obama est la ____________ dame des É-U. 
1  10. Le 14 février, 2014 est le ___________ anniversaire d’Oregon (né en 1859)

TEC: La Maison Hantée.  Read out loud in a group of 2-3, change readers after each paragraph, respond to the “Avant de Lire” questions before beginning and the “Avez-vous compris” questions at the end of each page. Complete sentences (comme toujours)!  Keep notes of difficult words and structures for discussion.

Devoirs:  pg 332 #6, rough draft of pg 333 #1 (with modified directions—see earlier post) ready for peer-edit, Review tutorial video due Monday!  Study for Quiz!!

Quiz:  Passe compose, Imparfait, PC/IMP compared, present tense (reg/irreg) verbs, numbers, time, weather, basic questions, ordinal numbers, ce/cette/cet/ces, quel/quelle/quels/quelles (pg R7), ne…jamais/déjà

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Jeudi 17/10

Today we practiced ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, etc) and went over previous homework.  We also practiced teaching the lessons for the “tutorial videos” (review project).  Finally we worked on writing/peer-editing the draft of the past event you wrote about.

A Faire:  pg 357 #2, go over 333 #8 in partners

Handouts:  Project Rubric

Devoirs :  All project materials (video due Mon.10/28), take notes pg 300-301, do pg 300 #1

Monday, October 14, 2013

Lundi 14/10

Today we did some more practice with PC/IMP, had time to work on “Review” project and talked about ordinal numbers (pg 356).

A Faire:  pg 332 #7 (write out lines that change with each conversation.

Devoirs:  pg 333 #1: choose an event to write about (either event listed or of your choice), 10 verbs in PC, 10 verbs in Imparfait, double spaced (in cahier ok) for peer editing ; Be ready to turn in the final copy of lesson plan, practice activity, supplements, test questions and be ready to practice teaching to another group in class next time!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

French Travel Club Information Meeting

Interested in traveling to France and Monaco this June??

French Travel Club Information Meeting for parents and students!
Thursday, October 17th, 7pm
Room 126 (Grant HS)
For more information, go to my website and click on the French Travel Club page!

RSVP by Wednesday 10/16 to: 

Jeudi 10/10

Today we took the être/avoir (Vandertramp) quiz (everyone must pass with a 90%, you may retake in tutorial as many times as you like!).  We talked more about ways the imparfait is used to describe conditions, circumstances, and background information in the past.  We also talked about the project “Revisions”.  (Example of a lesson plan)
A Faire:  pg 328-9.  Review the pictures of the accident, answer questions by writing a COMPLETE SENTENCE!  Identify what each sentence is expressing using the following codes:  Specific point in time (SP), Specific action (SA), Continuous action (C), Habitual action (H), Description (D), State of Mind (SOM) 

TEC:  pg. 331 #4 (put sentences into the past tense, decide whether to use PC or IMP based on what kind of information is being expressed.

Devoirs :  pg 333. #8

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mardi 08/10

Today in class we continued our work with the passé composé/imparfait.  We did pg 321 #9 in partners, discussed some of the different uses of PC/IMP (see handout) and learned about and worked on lesson plans for the review project.

A Faire:  Use free write about your life in last 2 weeks.  Identify (next to each sentence) what you are expressing using the following key:
Specific point in time (SP), Specific action (SA), Continuous action (C), Habitual action (H), Description (D), State of Mind (SOM)
Make any revisions necessary to verbs.  Incorporate 4 new expressions (handout/book) into your writing.  Make sure verb is in correct tense for using it.

Handouts :  PC/IMP Compared, Lesson Plan template (make a copy of it to edit!)

Devoirs :  Final lesson plan due and be prepared to share your plan for the lesson with me ! pg 330 #2.  VANDERTRAMPP QUIZ NEXT CLASS!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Back to School Night

Contact Information and Class Resources:
Madame Reid:
Click here for a copy of:  Syllabus, Parent Letter, and Class Expectations/Policies

Goals:        -Provide a safe and comfortable environment where students can take risks
                          and make mistakes
                        -Help students learn to speak, comprehend, read, and write
                        -Keep lessons practical (based on real life scenarios) and relevant to
                         students’ lives (appeal to their interests and future goals)
                        -Emphasis on culture of French-speaking world
                        -Make learning French fun!

The Class:   -Activity/Project based  (learning through experience!)
                        -Start controlled and become more open-ended
                        -Lots of in class oral practice as well as listening, reading and writing

Expectations:  -Students are focused, engaged and active participants
                        -Homework 20-30 min/night.  Practice out loud every day for 15 min minimum!
                        -Organization:  binder/notebook
                                    -Build resource binder
                                    -Notebook (spiral/composition) for warm-ups, HW & in-class

Finals policy 
-4 or fewer absences (of any kind) and final exam cannot hurt grade, 2 tardies=1 absence
            *incentive for regular attendance

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Jeudi 03/10

Today we did the sondage with the “Vandertrampps” and etre au passé composé.  We began to analyze the differences between PC/Imp by looking at some expressions de temps. (See pg 321)  I also assigned the review project topics and we had some work time to start planning.
A Faire:  pg 321 #8—choose between PC/Imp based on the expressions of time used.

Devoirs :  pg 321 #9—write question in imparfait because your asking about habits, write response in PC because your talking to the one exception to your habit/something you did once.  Vandertrampp quiz on Tuesday!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mardi 01/10

Today in class we continued practicing “deja”, “ne…pas encore” and “ne…jamais”.  We did pg 109 #12 orally in partners, began talking about a new project, and did some review of PC/IMP.

A Faire:  Racontez un peu de ta vie…what’s been going on in your life for the last few weeks?  Use PC (events that happened, major action, “did”, ‘happened”) and Imparfait (circumstances, habits, descriptions, time, weather, feelings) to write at least 10 sentences, double spaced (you will revise in class next time).

Devoirs :  Study « vandertrampps » (quiz on Thur !), pg 130 #7, observe how teachers teach effectively, check access to video equipment.

Annonces:  All missing stamps by FRIDAY!  Interested in being a French volunteer for Back to School Night this Thursday?  See Mme. Reid:)

Monday, September 30, 2013

Lundi 30/09

 Today we continued the use of déjà and extended the vocabulary to include “pas encore” (not yet) too.  We also reviewed some passé composé with a game.

Devoirs:  Post your question (s) and the response you got from Florence on the Google doc for your class:                     Période1                    Période 3

Friday, September 27, 2013

Jeudi 26/09

Today we learned how to use “deja” and “ne…jamais”, went over the questions for the sondage (from devoirs), and finished asking questions for “la presse”.

A Faire:  pg 109 #12 (write question, response, and follow up question)  We will do orally on Monday.

Devoirs :  pg 117 #3 (write out for each verb in parentheses), Memorize « vandertrampps » for quiz coming soon !

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Mardi 24/09:

Today in class we reviewed the imparfait, making questions and started asking Florence questions for the activity “La Presse”.  We did several speaking activities in class using pg 60 #8.

A Faire:  Réécris pg 60 #8 à l’imparfait (imagine qu’on parle des années du collège—pas l’université !

Handouts :  Sondage (vandertrampps)

Devoirs :  prepare questions and answers for sondage jeudi (au passé compose avec les “vandertrampps”!)

Annonces:  International Club welcome lunch for exchange students this Thursday in my room!  Bring your lunch and come meet and greet!  Dessert will be provided:)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Lundi 23/09

Today we reviewed regular verbs with a game and how to make questions.  We did pg 129 #6 orally in partners.

Devoirs:  Revise questions for "La Presse" (Entretien avec Florence) and be prepared to ask in class Tuesday (have at least 10!) Pg 60 #8 (write questions in present tense using interrogative expressions—question words—and answer them as well!)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Jeudi 19/09

Today we practiced more passé composé avec être, made nametags with our new French names (et 3 choses que tu aimes) and played a game (1st: La Presse, 3rd: Cluedo).

A Faire:  pg 129 #5 à phrases complètes!)

Devoirs :  pg 129 #6 (la question et ta réponse!), finish nametag, write 10 questions you could ask in an interview to discover more about “la vie française” (imagine you are a journalist)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mardi 17/09

Today we learned how to express "this/that", "these/those" and "which" using demonstrative and interrogative adjectives.  Then we reviewed the passé composé avec avoir and learned the 17 verbs that go with être.

Handouts:  passé composé graphic organizer, adjectives (possessive/demonstrative)

A Faire:  pg 17 #13   Write the demonstrative and interrogative adjective for each object then play out the mini-dialogues with a partner (orally)

TEC:  pg 128 #3

Devoirs:  pg 129 #4

Monday, September 16, 2013

lundi 16/09

Today in class we reviewed possessive adjectives (see pg R7 in book) and talked about the weekend using l'imparfait.

A Faire:  Pg 17 #2

Devoirs:  Finish defining verbs in packet.  Choose 10 verbs that are totally new to you and use them in a complete sentence (present tense!)

*French Travel Club meeting this Wednesday @ lunch!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Lundi 10/06

Today in class we did some listening practice and reviewed indirect object pronouns.  We finished oral interviews.

A Faire:  Activité 16 & 17 (5ième pg. de paquet—il dit “pg. 95”)

Devoirs: Review packet (stamp for every page you complete!), make a list of any review questions you have before the final.

Review packet (stamp for every page you complete!), and calendar will be due the day of the final!

Bring crêpe party goodies for Tue/Wed!!